jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

JAMA: La eficacia de la mascara...



Evidence from previous studies suggests that even face masks with less than 95% FFE (eg, surgical masks) are effective in preventing acquisition of epidemic coronaviruses (ie, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1, SARS-CoV-2) by clinicians and other health care workers except possibly during aerosol-generating procedures.
For prevention of a related coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1, N95 respirators had no increased prevention benefit over surgical masks.10 However, the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America has recommended the use of N95 respirators especially during aerosol-generating procedures as long as the supplies are available. 
This evaluation provides quantitative results on which health care administrators, supply chain leaders, and hospital epidemiologists can make evidence-based decisions to protect clinicians and other health care workers during a pandemic or long-term mask shortage.

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