viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Ratón de biblioteca: Pharmaceutical Marketing & Promotional Challenges / Manish Gunjan, Jegathambigai Rameshwar Naidu, Nasaruddin Abdul Aziz

The pharmaceutical industry is world’s largest industry in terms of world wide revenues.The pharmaceutical industry is based on research and  development, management skills etc. 
New drug development is a very complicated and time taking process which is one of the reason of high competition among pharmaceutical companies since they have to maintain their product in the market for a long time till arrival of another product. Product launch helps in increasing sales revenue and expanding the customer base. By introducing new products a company can also target new group of customers. The launch of new products can also influence the company expansion and new internal investments. Continuous research and planning are necessary if a company wants to achieve a successful product launch. Innovation and creativity plays a vital role in the promotion and conversion of effort into prescription. 

This book is an overview for all those parameters which should be considered before and after launching of a product.

Ver también:
Launching of New Pharmaceutical Product and Promotional Challenges

Cápsula Vito Acconci - Itinerarios del Sonido


Ver también: 
Se va Vito Aconcci. Nos deja...el marco de las "palabras"

jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

Mañana me encontrareis en...Iª Jornada Alzhéimer de la proteina al GPS


Epipen larga "vida activa"...

Researchers who analysed 40 date-expired EpiPens and EpiPen Juniors have discovered that they were still effective beyond the stated expiry date. 

They found that although the emergency-use epinephrine auto-injectors lost potency over time, they could still prevent anaphylactic shock. Pharmacist Frank Lee Cantrell and his team analysed 31 EpiPens and 9 EpiPen Juniors — all were between 1 month and 50 months past their expiration dates. The team tested the pens for their concentration of epinephrine. 

They found that 19 (65%) of the expired EpiPens and 5 (56%) of the expired EpiPen Juniors contained at least 90% of their stated epinephrine. All the products contained at least 80% of their labelled concentrations. 

Writing in Annals of Internal Medicine[1] (online, 9 May 2017), the researchers say their findings are important because all the date-expired pens were capable of meeting the necessary and recommended doses for out-of-hospital treatment for anaphylaxis. 

Our data show that EpiPen products can retain substantial amounts of epinephrine well beyond their expiration dates,” they say. 

Although we observed declining concentrations of epinephrine over time, we expect that the dose available 50 months after expiration would still provide a beneficial pharmacologic response.” 

The authors also suggest that the “process for establishing expiration dates for EpiPens should be revised and that, in the setting of outpatient anaphylaxis without other therapeutic alternatives, patients and caregivers should consider the potential benefits of using an expired EpiPen.” (Ver)

Las vacunas funcionan...



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miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

Pharma RepTrak 2017: Pharma Reputation 2014-2017 (cont.) Top companies



Ver anterior:
Pharma RepTrak 2017: Pharma Reputation 2014-2017

Hoy me encontrareis en...Casa del Libro (Madrid) presentando Salud y Comunicación.


28 de junio a las 19 horas en La Casa del Libro  Maestro Vitoria, 3 Madrid

Presentación de nuestro libro:



El campo de las ciencias de la comunicación ha sido, probablemente, el que ha experimentado el mayor crecimiento en las últimas décadas, en gran medida impulsado por el extraordinario avance de las nuevas tecnologías. 
En lo que se refiere a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, el área de la comunicación y la salud ha experimentado un crecimiento similar, en parte impulsado también por la aplicación de las TIC al ámbito de la salud, pero también por otros motivos de profundo calado sociológico. 

En el ámbito de la salud se comunica constantemente y por los más diversos canales. Podría decirse que “la comunicación es salud”. Ahora bien, ¿se está avanzando lo suficiente y en la dirección adecuada? La respuesta no es evidente. En ciertos campos sí, los avances son significativos y pertinentes. En otros ámbitos, sin embargo, los resultados son escasos. Y es que, pese a que tanto la comunicación como la salud son temas del día a día, que nos afectan a todos, con los que interactuamos sin descanso y prioritarios en el ámbito de la investigación, aún hay un vacío por llenar entre ellos. 

Y con la intención de contribuir a que estos campos converjan, “Comunicación y Salud” analiza, entre otros, los siguientes retos:

  •  _información de salud en el entorno 2.0, 
  • _estrategias de promoción de la salud desde el sector público, _planes de comunicación en organizaciones sanitarias, 
  • _periodismo especializado, 
  • _publicidad, 
  • _comunicación profesional sanitario-paciente y, cómo no,  
  • _papel clave de un paciente informado como eje del sistema sanitario. 

Nº de páginas: 684 págs.
 Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
 ISBN: 9788416898206

Y...mi capítulo: 
Vender cuestión de método

martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Pharma RepTrak 2017: Pharma Reputation 2014-2017



RepTrak® Framework 

We measure the reputations of thousands of the world’s most prestigious companies annually using our RepTrak ® framework – the world’s largest and highest quality normative reputation database. 

Continuous Reputation Measurement & Guidance 

We provide con?nuous reputa?on measurement, benchmarking and consul?ng services to hundreds of the best-known companies globally to help them protect their reputa?ons, analyze risks and drive compe??ve advantage. 

Reputation Management Best Prac?ces 

Through our Reputation Leaders Network, we bring executives from 100+ global member companies together to advance the practice of reputation management collectively and for their organizations. 

Ver reportes anteriores en PHARMACOSERÍAS

Menos mal que...vamos mal (XXXVI): Novartis annual dividend

Ver anterior:

Menos mal que...vamos mal (XXXV): compra a si mismo.

lunes, 26 de junio de 2017 lunes: Pon una aspirina entre tus rodillas...

Put an Aspirin Between Your Knees and Call Me in the Morning: 
Rick Santorum, Birth Control and the Rhetoric of Indirection 

When is a joke more than a joke? I’ve been asking myself this question since last week, when Foster Friess, Rick Santorum’s mega-rich super PAC patron, made this joke in front of unfortunate soul Andrea Mitchell: “You know, back in my days, they’d use Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn’t that costly.” 

The joke was made in response to the ongoing controversy over birth control and the new health care law. If you don’t get the punch line, let me explain it to you: If a woman is holding an aspirin between her knees, her legs are likely to remain tightly closed, thus preventing any stray penises from wandering in. (If that phrasing makes you shudder, blame Foster Friess for making the joke, not me for explaining it.) (Más)

Creatividad: Pfizer / Ibrance

Pfizer developed the ad concept with information gathered from 300 metastatic and early breast cancer patients and caregivers, 200 healthcare providers and 400 general consumers as well as several metastatic breast cancer advocacy groups, a spokeswoman said via email. 

Since the launch of Ibrance, Pfizer has been committed to ensuring patients have access to information about Ibrance through print ads, websites, banner ads and targeted videos in select oncologists’ offices. 
To date, we have seen improvements in awareness of Ibrance, leading to an increase in discussions between patients and their physicians. 
We hope the TV ad continues to improve awareness and increase patient/physician conversations,” she said. 

Pfizer will also continue its "MBC Together" online program, which includes testimonials from patients currently taking Ibrance, with the aim of creating a supportive environment for patients to share personal experiences. (Más)
It's an ordinary day for Julie, and she loves it. 
Julie has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer 
but she's able to live a normal life because she takes IBRANCE, 
a prescription medication that uses 
hormonal-based therapy to treat her condition.

domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Las trampas del liberalismo farmacopornográfico /Enrique Gavilán

La salida al mercado de productos que motivan intensas campañas de promoción son a menudo un motor de construcción de modelos sociales de comportamiento. El empuje de la Viagra y la interminable saga de fármacos del mercado biomédico del sexo, ha contribuído notablemente a modelar la subjetividad colectiva en torno a la sexualidad.

El ideal del sexo que promueven las campañas promocionales de fármacos como Cialis, Uprima, Testogel y Priligy, apuntalada por el auge del porno, presenta unas características muy definidas: 

  1. -El sexo solo se adquiere vía penetración. Esta aseveración tiene su fiel antecedente en la terminología de los electricistas de los cables “machos” y “hembras”. No se entiende el uno sin la otra. 
  2. -Existe obligatoriedad a alcanzar orgasmos. Los orgasmos no son espirituales, sino eyaculatorios. 
  3. -La erección es un fenómeno que hay que preservar plenamente a cualquier coste y en cualquier situación. Debe ser duradera, alcanzarse en plena armonía con las órdenes cerebrales y con unos estándares de dureza y pureza definidos. 
  4. -La eyaculación se debe alcanzar “en el momento justo”: ni antes ni después. Para definir ese momento justo asumimos que el retardo eyaculatorio presenta una distribución normal en la población y consideramos que la media más menos una desviación estándar es donde se sitúa ese instante glorioso.
  5. -La imagen que se constituye como patrón oro del sexo ortodoxo es la parejita heterosexual. Cualquier variante posible sólo podrá ser fruto de la imaginación de cada cual. 
  6. -El sexo no entiende de edades. Aunque el referente eterno sea el joven bello pero sin vello, el superanciano sempiternamente empalmado es el futuro. 
  7. -En este arquetipo imperativo, el dominio es masculino. Las fantasías de las mujeres están subordinadas a los deseos varoniles.

La consecución y perpetuación del sexo dentro de estos parámetros obliga necesariamente (no me cabe en la cabeza otra opción, lo siento) al consumo de productos de las industrias farmacéutica y pornográfica. Son, en palabras de la peculiar filósofa burgalesa Beatriz Preciado, las trampas del liberalismo farmacopornográfico. [Yo mismo me creería este discurso tan impecable que acabo de soltar. De no ser porque vídeos como éste me hacen dudar…]

Tomé "prestado" de 
"Las trampas del liberalismo farmacopornográfico"/Enrique Gavilán (amigo) 
NO gracias11 Enero 2016  

sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Pharma execs popularity...

Sometimes adult life sends us through a disturbing time warp. It’s much too reminiscent of high school. The cool kids’ cafeteria table (or parking lot, where I grew up) becomes the cool grown-up party at J.P. Morgan, for instance. Step into biopharma Twitter, where the snark level sometimes hits Mean Girls levels. 

But today, it’s the “best all-around” votes senior year echoed in post-high school reality. Only instead of the most popular graduating senior, these votes chose the most congenial CEOs in biopharma. 

The business-information analysts over at Owler sifted through various data streams, including its own CEO rating tool (smile, frown or in-between) to come up with a ranking of the best-liked pharma leaders. The top 10 is mostly packed with Big Pharma’s top dogs, with a couple of surprises in the mix. 

Including No. 1, Sanjay Bhatia of Laborate Pharmaceuticals, a small, privately held drugmaker in Delhi, India. His approval rating with Owler’s tool? A stunning 99 out of 100. And it’s not because he has 100 employees who all voted with a smile. Laborate has an estimated 5,180 staffers and 1,980 followers on the Owler site. 

Roche and its Genentech unit swept second and third, with Roche’s Severin Schwan in second place with a 92.9 approval rating. 
Bill Anderson at Genentech clocked an 87.7.

Switzerland-based Roche bought the share of California-based Genentech it didn’t already own back in 2009, and the Genentech side of the business has delivered some of Roche’s biggest-selling drugs in the last few years. 

AbbVie’s Richard Gonzalez comes in fourth with an 83.8 approval rating—he’s been at the helm at that company since it was spun off by Abbott Laboratories in 2013. He’s consistently among the highest-paid CEOs in the industry, and while popularity among staff isn’t among his compensation metrics, driving “employee engagement” is. 

Rounding out the top five is Shire’s Flemming Ornskov, whose most recent claim to fame is the company’s buyout of Bioverativ, the hemophilia unit spun off by Baxter last year. 

 The rest of the top 10? 
Merck’s Ken Frazier; GlaxoSmithKline’s Emma Walmsley, who’s brand-new to the Glaxo CEO post; Johnson & Johnson’s Alex Gorsky; and Bayer’s relatively new chief, Werner Baumann. Steven H. Collis, CEO of the drug distributor AmerisourceBergen, came in seventh. All of their ratings fell in the 70s. (Más)

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

Ratón de biblioteca: La Civilización Empática / Jeremi Rifkin

"This is in marked contrast to Big Pharma 
which only invests and promotes products 
if there is profit in it. 
There were no great gains to be made 
by inventing an antidote to the Ebola virus 
because, initially, it mostly affected 
poor people and nations. 
That is now changing as the current epidemic 
threatens the advanced world."
Jeremi Rifkin
The Zero Marginal Cost Society

Jeremy Rifkin, uno de los más importantes pensadores sociales de nuestro tiempo, vuelve a las librerías con La civilización empática, su obra más ambiciosa hasta la fecha. Un trabajo de gran alcance y erudición que propone la empatía como el mejor modelo, y posiblemente el único, para las relaciones internacionales y la supervivencia global en los inicios del siglo XXI. 
Parece que el mundo jamás ha estado tan interconectado a través de los medios de comunicación, el comercio y la cultura, y tan salvajemente desgarrado por la guerra, la crisis financiera, el calentamiento global e, incluso, la migración de las enfermedades
No importa cuánto nos empeñemos en la tarea de afrontar los desafíos de un rápido mundo globalizador, la raza humana parece quedarse corta continuamente, incapaz de reunir los recursos mentales colectivos para pensar globalmente y actuar localmente .


Manual/Decálogo para entender un "millennials"

En este libro el autor expone cómo la desconexión entre nuestra visión del mundo y nuestra habilidad para percibir dicha visión radica en el estado actual de la conciencia humana. 
El modo en que nuestro cerebro está estructurado nos predispone hacia una forma de sentir, pensar y actuar en el mundo que ya no es apropiada para los nuevos entornos que hemos creado. 
Es el primer libro que explora cómo la conciencia empática reestructura la forma en que organizamos nuestra vida personal, nos acercamos al conocimiento, perseveramos en ciencia y tecnología, dirigimos el comercio, gobernamos y orquestamos nuestra vida civil. 
El desarrollo de esta conciencia empática es esencial para crear un futuro en que pensemos y nos comportemos de manera que el mundo valga la pena. (Ver)

Jeremi Rifkin: La civilización empática (video)


jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Mas allá del KOL...Ahora serán los (DOI) Digital Opinion Influencers

Pharma firms have long recognized the power of key opinion leaders (KOLs) in driving influence through traditional channels: journals, speaking events and word of mouth. 
The problem, however, is that healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients are acquiring information about disease and treatment in the online world – and many KOLs are not “digital opinion influencers,” or DOIs. This creates an opportunity – strategic DOI identification, outreach and management – for brand, communications and medical teams that is often overlooked or poorly addressed.


Sizing the opportunity 

This opportunity is largest for pharmaceutical companies providing drugs to address chronic conditions to active patient communities, in which there are high levels of treatment innovation. For example, we recently conducted a study for a pharma client to analyze the healthcare provider DOI community across seven markets for a chronic condition. The results were notable. Of 4,000 HCPs in the community, we identified 1,400 active posters who posted at least three times in the past year. And of these, we identified 131 influencers driving the lion’s share of influence. Interestingly, more than a quarter of these were not traditional KOLs already on the client’s radar. Further, we discovered active posters regularly reached an aggregate audience of approximately 2.8 million followers and fans, many of whom were strategically important prescribers, patient prospects and payer influencers. 

Who are DOIs? 

Digital opinion influencers are influential members of a health community turned to for advice, opinions and information. Their influence flows from reach (followers), their resonance (content sharing) and relevance (topics discussed). Their distinguishing characteristic (versus traditional KOLs) is their use of social media to either create or amplify messages. DOIs are both medical professionals and non-professionals. 

In the medical world, DOIs are typically drawn to social media as a platform for building their reputations. These DOIs share opinions on therapies, discuss presentations from medical congresses and share advice on disease and patient management. 
Another segment — researchers and academics — frequently communicate models of disease understanding based on the latest studies. 
These professional DOIs have converged around Twitter as the preferred channel, particularly around major medical conferences, while simultaneously turning to closed healthcare provider (HCP) platforms for peer-to-peer discussions. (Más)

Ver también:
Pon influencers en tu estrategia de marketing digital

USA: Demandan industrias farmacéuticas por ocultar riesgo de adicción en analgésicos


Attorney General Mike DeWine said the companies created a deadly mess in Ohio that they now need to pay to clean up. 

"This lawsuit is about justice, it's about fairness, it's about what is right," DeWine said in announcing the complaint filed in Ross County, a southern Ohio community slammed by fatal drug overdoses from painkillers and heroin. 

A record 3,050 Ohioans died from drug overdoses in 2015, a figure expected to jump sharply once 2016 figures are tallied.

Ver también:
Demandan en Estados Unidos a farmacéuticas por ocultar riesgo de adicción en analgésicos

DeWine wants an injunction stopping the companies from their alleged misconduct and damages for money the state spent on opiates sold and marketed in Ohio. The attorney general also wants customers repaid for unnecessary opiate prescriptions for chronic pain. 

"These drug companies knew that what they were doing was wrong and they did it anyway," DeWine said. 

 The drugmakers sued by DeWine are Purdue Pharma; Endo Health Solutions; Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, and its subsidiary, Cephalon; Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals; and Allergan

They variously manufacture OxyContin, Percocet and a host of other painkillers that DeWine said represent the heart of the problem. (Más)

Ver también:

España: Consumo de opioides sube 83.5%

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017


Salud 2.0: las terapias digitales intentan reducir la fiebre por tomar pastillas 
Algunas 'apps' han demostrado su eficacia para mitigar trastornos como el insomnio sin necesidad de ingerir fármacos. 
La tendencia quiere combinarse o incluso llegar a reemplazar a los tratamientos tradicionales

¿Puede una app reemplazar a una pastilla? Esa es la gran pregunta que gira alrededor de la nueva tendencia conocida como "terapias digitales". La idea se basa en un software capaz de mejorar la salud de una persona de la misma manera que un fármaco, pero sin el mismo coste ni efectos secundarios. 

Las terapias digitales, o "digiterapias" como las llaman algunos, se han convertido en el Santo Grial en algunas partes de Silicon Valley (EEUU), donde los inversores perciben una oportunidad hacer medicina a través de los smartphones. La empresa de capital riesgo Andreessen Horowitz prevé que las terapias digitales se convertirán en la "tercera fase" de la medicina, es decir, serán las sucesoras de los fármacos químicos y basados en proteínas de los que disponemos ahora, pero sin el coste de miles de millones de euros que cuesta llevarlos al mercado. (...)

Para Hames, las terapias digitales se dividen en dos grupos, que él denomina la 

  • "cooperación con medicamentos" y 
  • la "sustitución de medicamentos". 

En su opinión, corresponde a la segunda categoría porque realmente elimina la necesidad de somníferos. El responsable añade: "Mediante múltiples estudios revisados por pares hemos sido capaces de demostrar que sus resultados son mejores que los de los fármacos". (Más)

PHARMATON: Nunca te rindas



martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Big Pharma "se autopromociona"

For many years, pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars annually to advertise the benefits of specific drugs. But now, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) — the leading industry trade group representing brand-name drug companies — has launched a multi-million dollar, multi-year advertising and public relations campaign to promote the overall benefits of the pharmaceutical industry itself. 

The advertising component of this direct-to-consumer campaign, called “GoBoldly,” features national TV, print, digital and radio ads that are intended to highlight recent advances in medicines. PhRMA executives told reporters the campaign would last at least four to five years and cost “high tens of millions of dollars every year.” 

One 90-second TV commercial contains uplifting background music and a mix of captivating images of pharmaceutical researchers in laboratories and patients in hospitals, while scrolling screen text states, “When an indomitable will to cure pushes researchers to find the unfindable and cure the incurable, today’s breakthroughs become tomorrow’s medicines for all of us.

PhRMA’s slick, manipulative advertising campaign represents a desperate but heavily-funded attempt to repair the industry’s well-deserved dismal reputation, given its increasingly outrageous price gouging (not to mention its history of well-documented fraud and other illegal conduct spanning the last 25 years). 

Ver detalles

Public anger over unaffordable drug prices has reached a crescendo following a steady stream of news reports revealing exorbitant monopoly pricing for many new brand-name drugs, as well as overnight price hikes for many older medications. 
A 2016 survey found that 87 percent of U.S. adults are concerned about other people not being able to afford prescription drugs (55 percent are very concerned); 90 percent of seniors shared this concern. Overall, 85 percent of Americans believe that the prices of prescription drugs are too high, and 77 percent think that drug companies are unfairly profiting off of lifesaving drugs. A recent Gallup poll found that no private industry is held in lower esteem by Americans than the pharmaceutical industry.

Many members of Congress, realizing that they can no longer ignore the public outcry over increasingly unaffordable prescription drugs, have begun to take action. For example, some members have introduced legislation that would begin to rein in drug prices (see here and here), while others have initiated investigations into alleged price fixing by some drug companies. And even President Trump asserted shortly before taking office that drug companies are “getting away with murder.” 

PhRMA’s advertising blitz reflects the pharmaceutical industry’s fears that its unfettered ability to charge whatever the market will bear may finally be coming to an end. Don’t be deceived by ads that seek to portray the industry as a knight in shining armor for patients. Call and write to your members of Congress and urge them to stand up for patients, not greedy corporations, by supporting legislation to make medications affordable for all Americans. (Ver)

Mercados: 18 enfermedades olvidadas


Orphan Drugs: Future opportunities and challenges 

The orphan drug sector is booming. Record product approvals, robust pipelines and regulatory incentives. But will the good times last? As the market matures expect increasing competition, clinical research pressures and mounting payer scrutiny. It’s time to plan for the future. 

The Future of Orphan Drug provides a 360-degree scan of the horizon for rare disease therapies. Through primary research with leading industry experts, the report identifies key strategic and tactical pressure points for companies seeking to consolidate or enter this high-growth space. 

 “You will see more companies getting into this space. We will see more novel treatments come out for diseases that never had a treatment. There will be more patient involvement in the process as we go forward.” 
Tom Croce Head of Global Patient Advocacy, Shire

“The role of medical affairs is even more critical and more deep than in these larger indications. Part of it is that you're basically dealing with a disease that might affect a couple of hundred or 1000 patients across the globe. That means you have maybe a dozen of real experts in that field, so there is a much more individual collaboration with these world-class expert centres in a given disease that we need to engage with. It's a much closer relationship in the sense that we continue to support the research in these centres; we continue to support medical education and we continue to support disease awareness, which is very critical.” 
Hartmann Wellhoefer 

“I think a really important thing is the cultivation of creative ways to continuously generate data. The key challenge with an orphan condition is you have a small population. For any drug that comes out, there's lots of questions outstanding - even when it's approved - on long-term safety, real world safety, real world efficacy, efficacy in subpopulations, efficacy in combination with other drugs, efficacy looking at more of these real world endpoints that may or may not have been included in your pivotal trial.” 
Vice President, Head of Medical Affairs, Biotechnology Company 

“[You need to] get people with the right level of skills. You need to have people who can learn quickly where technical expertise is concerned but who are excellent communicators, who are having a good level of soft skills and the mental flexibility to deal with the fast pacing change in our industry. To attract and retain and develop those people will be the key challenge for medical affairs but not just medical affairs in the industry.” 
Michael Zaiac
