martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

"Shitstorm" en torno a precios / De Martin Shkreli a Epipen...

Martin Shkreli is an unsung hero. 
By creating a media shitstorm 
with the gigantic price hike, 
the pharmaceutical industry 
will be subjected to tougher regulations 
and their business model 
will be carefully controlled 
thus avoiding any similar situation as this
The True Nobody
  • a situation marked by violent controversy. 
  • is a vulgar dysphemism for a chaotic and unpleasant situation. 
  • a terrible mess, literally or figuratively.

Mylan cannot foresee the giant shitstorm 
when kids start dying 
because Mommys can't buy medicine?

Sex and the City actress Sarah Jessica Parker announced she has ended her relationship with Mylan, the pharmaceutical company behind the EpiPen, following reports of price gouging. (The price of a standard two-pack of EpiPens increased from $100 in 2009 to $600 in 2016.) (Más)

Price hiking: US pharma’s elephant in the room

Martin Shkreli:

I should point out that, by now, 
after enduring a huge internet 
shitstorm backlash, 
Shkreli has agreed 
to lower the price of the drug (Más)

TEVA: Cannabis inhaler

Israel’s Teva Pharmaceutical Industries has signed an agreement with Tel Aviv-based biotech Syqe Medical for the distribution and marketing of the world’s first medical cannabis inhaler. 

Teva will receive exclusive marketing and distribution rights to the product, while Syqe will be responsible for the manufacture of the inhaler itself and its disposable cartridges. The duo also has plans to provide medical education for the device to patients and professionals. 

Sqqe’s inhaler claims to be the world’s first for the precise administration of botanical medication at level of safety and efficacy corroborant with conventional drugs, which works by modifying the cannabis on a physical level while maintaining its characteristics in a measurable way. The company’s medical chairman Dr Eytan Hyam, former director-general of the Health Ministry, commented: “Thanks to the Syqe inhaler, we are effectively moving from cannabis use to cannabis treatment. For doctors, the inhaler solves the problem of prescribing plants for smoking, and offers a solution for patients in that, for the first time, they will be able to receive a precise dose of medical cannabis.” 

Israel’s loose regulatory landscape has made the country a prime location for medical marijuana research. Syqe’s inhaler has already been in use at Haifa’s Rambam Hospital for over a year with approval from Israel’s Health Ministry, with approval for home use expected next year. 

Teva Israel is entering the field of medical cannabis out of a deep commitment to patients coping with pain, which is one of the company’s core therapeutic areas,” said Teva Israel CEO Avinoam Sapir. “State-of-the-art technology and ground-breaking medical devices — such as those developed by Syqe Medical, and which generate tremendous therapeutic value for patients and medical staff alike — integrate perfectly into the strategy of Teva Israel.” 

Analysts predict that the medical marijuana market could be worth $20 billion internationally by 2026. (Ver)

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016 lunes: The birth of "Big Pharma"

Creatividad: MM&M Awards 2016/Best Professional Sales Tool

Havas Life Metro and Genentech 
Interactive MOA (Gazyva

Selling to oncologists is tough. Many of them are weary of personal visits from sales representatives and their sales aids. To break through and drive a high level of physician interaction, this team created an interactive self-guided digital storytelling experience to explain the unique mechanism of action of Gazyva

The Gazyva mechanism of action animation requires the viewing doctor to make some sort of hand movement on an iPad to move the story forward. For example, when the doctor physically traces the path of the antibody therapeutic, it triggers a reaction against a cancer cell in the animation. Swiping and other gestures activate visual and auditory reward mechanisms once certain operations are completed. (Ver)

“A rich, immersive approach to MOA articulation,” one judge noted. “The self-guided storytelling and interactivity are quite impressive.” 

Side-by-side views differentiate Gazyva features from its competitors'. An agency representative noted that story nuances that might otherwise go unnoticed were more easily integrated into the narrative because the user is immersed in the visually appealing and interactive world of the therapeutic. 

 Metrics were unavailable at submission date, but the team reported positive response from sales reps, as well as oncologists and their staffs.

Partners+simons and B. Braun Medical 
Secondhand Chemo 

A complete presentation platform overhaul resulted in a 36% increase in 2015 sales of the OnGuard Closed System Drug Transfer Device. Improvements included real-time customization, interactive and simplified digital assets, and features that significantly reduce the administrative burden on sales reps. Judges applauded the aid's content, interactivity, and closed-loop functionality.

Ver anterior:
Creatividad: MM&M Awards 2016/Best Professional Print Campaign

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

El ratoncito Ibuprofeno / J.J. Millas

En el taller de escritura, Marina lee un texto sobre su mesilla de noche. 

Dice que es un cajón de frutas que barnizó y al que colocó una balda en medio para convertirlo en una pequeña librería de dos pisos para libros de bolsillo. Puso encima una lámpara de Ikea con una bombilla de bajo consumo y, junto a ella, la novela que estuviera leyendo, además de una caja de ibuprofenos, pues en la cama le dolía la espalda. En ese mueble artesanal, cuenta Marina, se instaló a vivir un ratoncito que no molestaba nada, aunque mordía los bordes de los libros. Dice que decidió llamarlo Ratoncito Pérez y que le proporcionaba mucha compañía. 

Un día Ratoncito Pérez amaneció muerto junto a la caja de ibuprofenos
Cuando lo cogió, su cuerpo todavía estaba caliente. Dice que lo enterró en un tiesto donde hacía meses había plantado el hueso de un aguacate. La planta creció bien, quizá a expensas de Pérez, y dio un fruto, uno solo, con el que Marina se hizo un guacamole. Dice que el guacamole sabía a ratón y que se lo comió todo y rebañó con una miga de pan lo que había quedado en el fondo y en las paredes del bol. Dice que se fue a la cama y que durmió como nunca, aunque se olvidó de tomarse el ibuprofeno. Dice que desde entonces no necesitó tomar ningún tipo de analgésico.(Más

Juan José Millás 13.11.2016

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Ratón de biblioteca: Darwin´s Medicine / Brian D. Smith

Biblioteca Rogelio Naranjo

Darwin’s Medicine is the sequel to Brian D. Smith’s influential and critically acclaimed Future of Pharma (Gower, 2011). 


Ratón de biblioteca: The Future of Pharma / Brian D. Smith

Whereas the earlier book predicted the evolution of the pharmaceutical market and the business models of pharmaceutical companies, Darwin’s Medicine goes much deeper into the drivers of industry change and how leading pharmaceutical and medical technology companies are adapting their strategies, structures and capabilities in practice. 

Through the lens of evolutionary science, Professor Smith explores the speciation of new business models in the Life Sciences Industry. 
This sophisticated and highly original approach offers insights into: 

  • The mechanisms of evolution in this exceptional industry; 
  • The six great technological and social shifts that are shaping its landscape; 
  • The emergence of 26 distinct, new business models; and 
  • The lessons that enable firms to direct and accelerate their own evolution. 

These insights map out the industry’s complex, changing landscape and provide an invaluable guide to those firms seeking to survive and thrive in this dynamic market. 

The book is essential reading for anyone working in or studying the pharmaceutical, medical technology and related sectors. It provides a unique and novel way of making sense of the transformation we can see going on around us and a practical, focused approach to managing a firm’s evolutionary trajectory. (Ver)

 "If you work in the pharma, 
medtech or related sectors, 
you're in for a series of shocks".

Three Future Shocks for the Life Science Industry

 Ver todo sobre Brian D. Smith en PHARMACOSERÍAS

EPIPEN Diario de un Escandalo...

Mylan CEO's EpiPen pricing scandal has family ties -
Business Insider

Why the EpiPen Price Scandal Sums Up Everything We Hate About 
Time Money

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

MMM 2016: Top 5 Health Influencers

IBM has pointed its charismatic super­computer Watson at the big data challenge, led by Deborah DiSanzo, a pioneer in the field of automated external defibrillators, former CEO of $10 billion health-tech company Philips Healthcare, and now GM and head of Watson Health. (Más)

She also began an initiative to align the company's firms and holding companies more closely with its global megabrands in an effort to develop ideas that can be used more consistently around the world. 
Lewis oversees a 400-strong marketing unit at a company dealing with an evolving crisis stemming from lawsuits over its use of talcum powder, which plaintiffs have claimed causes cancer. 

Part of the company's strategy lies with its training and development group, which focuses on modern marketing capabilities. She also holds an all-hands-on-deck community call for J&J's marketers around the world each quarter to help staffers keep up with the pace of change. 

Lewis was previously VP of strategic marketing for Coca-Cola's North American unit. The position enabled her to visit dozens of countries, and she has described it as "the best schooling in marketing." She began her career in brand management at Kraft Foods in Canada.(Más)
Sally's commitment to building healthcare capacity and expanding access to medicines is unwavering. She has redefined Pfizer's role in society through provocative storytelling and thoughtful questioning. Sally sets herself apart by challenging the status quo, keeping an open mind, and recognizing we sometimes need to take the road not traveled to make a positive change. Her leadership has allowed our company to truly make a mark in healthcare, putting patients first. We are all the better for it.(Más)

Several years ago, when Gilead Sciences priced Sovaldi, at the time its soon-to-be-blockbuster hepatitis C cure, at $1,000 a pill, it was Miller, speaking on behalf of Express Scripts, who loudly voiced disapproval of the pricing model. For the last year or so, his tone has softened as has that of Express Scripts, but the company's repeated criticism of high drug prices has been a significant reason why pricing is a subject of national discussion. 

"We've played a big part in generating that," he told MM&M earlier this year. 
He says Express Scripts is ready to collaborate with drugmakers. But is pharma ready to reciprocate? (Más)

He has spearheaded his agency's efforts in that regard, trying to expand the kinds of information available to sales forces and break down segmentation among providers, a good example being Ogilvy's partnership with Medikly, a cloud-based physician-profiling platform that constantly adds new sources of information.

"It offers an almost-endless possibility of getting deeper and deeper behavioral and attitudinal insights to individual physicians and it's uploaded to the cloud, so it's accessible in real time for any kind of strategic query," he said. (Más)

Novartis sponsoriza Queen Latifah's mom en apoyo a "heart failure awareness"

Award-winning actress, singer, songwriter and producer Queen Latifah attributes much of her success in life to her mother, Rita Owens. “My mom has always been my rock. She’s stronger than anyone I’ve ever known,” she says. When Ms. Owens was diagnosed with heart failure10 years ago, Queen describes the experience as life-changing – “Hearing the word ‘failure’ associated with my mom’s health was really scary.” 

Ms. Owens refused to let the diagnosis bring her down, and remained hopeful and positive. She rallied Queen and her entire family to learn all they could about heart failure and how to manage the condition. In support of Ms. Owens, the whole family made small changes in their lives to be healthier, including changes to their diet. Queen and other members of the family also join Ms. Owens on check-ups to participate in discussions with her doctors and to help keep a close watch on her health. 

Inspired by Ms. Owens, Queen says that keeping a positive attitude and always being supportive are key to helping a loved one manage heart failure. She also wants to stress that for caregivers, it’s important to care for your own health as well. 

Queen says, “You can’t change the past, but you can change the future.” She wants everyone to be inspired by her mother, and to know that heart failure is something that people can “rise above” with education, support and by making small healthy changes in their life.

She and her mother have joined the American Heart Association’s Rise Above Heart Failure movement to spread the word about heart failure and to help others understand the signs and symptoms of the condition, and how to manage it. Rise Above Heart Failure is nationally supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and was created in collaboration with experts across the heart failure community. 
The American Heart Association plans to partner across the community to change the way heart failure impacts the country by:
  • Increasing awareness of heart failure, its symptoms and treatments, 
  • Increasing understanding and dialogue about heart failure, 
  • Inspiring people with heart failure to take a more active role in their care, 
  • Encouraging people to make small changes that can lead to healthier lifestyles and 
  • Bringing together an alliance of influential organizations to collectively support a goal of reducing heart failure hospitalization rates by 10% and increasing awareness and understanding of HF by 10% by 2020. (Ver)
Queen Latifah and Her 'Gangster' Mom

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Infographic: what information doctors need from pharma.

How pharma distributes information to doctors is changing as rapidly as how doctors prefer to receive and process such information. 

Compared to even five years ago, the occurrence of face-to-face doctor–pharma rep meetings has fallen as doctors steadily look to iPads, tablets, and smartphones to stay current with changing trends.

From the November 2016 Issue of MMM »