jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Mas allá del KOL...Ahora serán los (DOI) Digital Opinion Influencers

Pharma firms have long recognized the power of key opinion leaders (KOLs) in driving influence through traditional channels: journals, speaking events and word of mouth. 
The problem, however, is that healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients are acquiring information about disease and treatment in the online world – and many KOLs are not “digital opinion influencers,” or DOIs. This creates an opportunity – strategic DOI identification, outreach and management – for brand, communications and medical teams that is often overlooked or poorly addressed.


Sizing the opportunity 

This opportunity is largest for pharmaceutical companies providing drugs to address chronic conditions to active patient communities, in which there are high levels of treatment innovation. For example, we recently conducted a study for a pharma client to analyze the healthcare provider DOI community across seven markets for a chronic condition. The results were notable. Of 4,000 HCPs in the community, we identified 1,400 active posters who posted at least three times in the past year. And of these, we identified 131 influencers driving the lion’s share of influence. Interestingly, more than a quarter of these were not traditional KOLs already on the client’s radar. Further, we discovered active posters regularly reached an aggregate audience of approximately 2.8 million followers and fans, many of whom were strategically important prescribers, patient prospects and payer influencers. 

Who are DOIs? 

Digital opinion influencers are influential members of a health community turned to for advice, opinions and information. Their influence flows from reach (followers), their resonance (content sharing) and relevance (topics discussed). Their distinguishing characteristic (versus traditional KOLs) is their use of social media to either create or amplify messages. DOIs are both medical professionals and non-professionals. 

In the medical world, DOIs are typically drawn to social media as a platform for building their reputations. These DOIs share opinions on therapies, discuss presentations from medical congresses and share advice on disease and patient management. 
Another segment — researchers and academics — frequently communicate models of disease understanding based on the latest studies. 
These professional DOIs have converged around Twitter as the preferred channel, particularly around major medical conferences, while simultaneously turning to closed healthcare provider (HCP) platforms for peer-to-peer discussions. (Más)

Ver también:
Pon influencers en tu estrategia de marketing digital

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