martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

NOVARTIS Amistades peligrosas: Trump attorney Michael Cohen

“‘We made a mistake’ with Cohen payments.
We made a mistake 
in entering into this engagement and, 
as a consequence, 
are being criticized 
by a world that expects more from us,” 
 Vasant Narasimhan. Novartis CEO

The CEO of Novartis apologized to employees for the company’s payments to President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Novartis has garnered widespread criticism this week over the revelation that it paid Cohen $1.2 million in a yearlong contract in an attempt to gain insight into the Trump administration. 

The drugmaker, along with other companies like AT&T, made payments to a Cohen shell company, Essential Consultants LLC, that was used for a hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 election.

El caso de Stormy Daniels

Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, first revealed the nature of the payments.

Personally and for my family, yesterday was also a difficult day, as unfounded stories spread through the US news. While I was not involved with any aspect of this situation, the facts did not matter. I went to sleep frustrated and tired,” Narasimhan wrote. “But I woke up this morning full of determination.

He said he knew employees were likely “disappointed and frustrated.” 

The arrangement was set up before Narasimhan took over as CEO in February. Novartis previously said it had met with Cohen only once but was bound to continue the payments.


NOVARTIS / Joe Jimenez: Ahi dejo eso... La retirada.

En el documento también se cita a Novartis
que entre marzo de 2017 y febrero de 2018 
pagó 100.000 dólares mensuales 
al abogado personal de Trump por sus servicios. 
La farmacéutica europea señala que 
ese contrato se firmó 
con el anterior consejero delegado. 
Se dejó vencer porque Cohen no contaba 
con la experiencia necesaria 
para guiarles sobre las políticas 
que se estaban preparando 
en el ámbito de la salud, 
incluida la reforma 
del sistema de seguro médico asequible Obamacare.
AT&T y Novartis pagaron al abogado personal de Donald Trump
El País Sandro Pozzi 
Nueva York 9 May 2018 - 

Novartis acknowledged earlier this week that it had cooperated last year with questioning in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference.(Más)

Ver también:

NOVARTIS: Quién es Vasant Narasimhan, «Vas»

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