miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

A new organ is born...Intersticio

The discovery 
of an entirely new organ, 
the 80th to be discovered 
in the human body, 
could have 
serious implications 
for our collective understanding of cancer and 
a number of other diseases.

No hace mucho fué el Mesenterio

La primera mención al mesenterio (del griego meso -medio y énteron –intestino, con el significado “por entremedio del intestino”) la hizo Leonardo Da Vinci en uno de sus escritos sobre anatomía humana de comienzos del siglo XVI. 

Pero esta parte del cuerpo, que hace de conexión de los intestinos con el abdomen, permaneció casi ignorada por los médicos por 500 años y hasta ahora los científicos no la habían considerado un órgano propiamente dicho. (Más)

A new discovery has been made by scientists in the beginning of new year 2017! A new organ namely MESENTERY has been discovered by scientists in human digestive system after centuries!! 

Scientists have confirmed that humans actually have an extra organ that has been hiding in plain sight this whole time. 

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal.  (...) 

The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy- including the mesentery! 
Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments. (Más)

Ahora otro nuevo órgano "nace" ...el Intersticio

Scientists have identified a new human organ hiding in plain sight, in a discovery they hope could help them understand the spread of cancer within the body.

Layers long thought to be dense, connective tissue are actually a series of fluid-filled compartments researchers have termed the “interstitium”.

These compartments are found beneath the skin, as well as lining the gut, lungs, blood vessels and muscles, and join together to form a network supported by a mesh of strong, flexible proteins.

New analysis published in the journal Scientific Reports is the first to identify these spaces collectively as a new organ and try to understand their function.


Remarkably, the interstitium had previously gone unnoticed despite being one of the largest organs in the human body.(...)

Understanding this newly discovered frontier in human anatomy could allow scientists to develop new tests for cancer. 

This finding has potential to drive dramatic advances in medicine, including the possibility that the direct sampling of interstitial fluid may become a powerful diagnostic tool,” said Dr Theise.(Más)

Ver también:
Intersticio, el "nuevo órgano" del cuerpo humano que la ciencia acaba de descubrir

Nuevas terapias...?

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