En mi modesto conocimiento las P´s habían llegado ya a 9.
Así lo exponia en mis clases (UCV Postgrado Mercadeo/Facultad de Farmacia)
Ahora, "curucuteando" por la red tropiezo con otro nuevo modelo que considero interesante incorporar
- When you know what your PRODUCT really is,
- when you know the PURPOSE your marketplace has for it ... what they do with it, their objective in purchasing from you,
- and when you know your PERFORMANCE level compared to the competition, you are getting ready to make a PROFIT.
- When you have clearly identified the true POTENTIAL for your PRODUCT,
- when you have decided upon and set-up the best possible PLACE for your audience to buy,
- when you have established your PRICE as it relates to PERFORMANCE, you are getting ready to make a PROFIT.
- When you create your PROMOTION and go to market with it,
- when you have done all of this keeping your POSITION in the forefront of your thinking, and based on that knowledge have put your marketing plan in order ...
- then you will earn and enjoy a PROFIT.
Está todo...
Tener un PRODUCTO, establecer unos OBJETIVOS (PURPOSE), conocer a fondo (SWOT) su PERFORMANCE, determinar bien su POTENCIAL, y sus lugares optimos de COMERCIALIZACION/PLAZA, con un PRECIO acorde y una PROMOCION y POSICIONAMIENTO adecuados...
Todo lo que podremos esperar es PROFIT (no hace falta traducirlo...)
Y, con esto...por ahora, se termina esta historia. Esperemos que el próximo capítulo no sea éste...
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