viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Tambien Johns Hopkins veta regalos de la industria...

In a move designed to limit the influence of pharmaceutical companies on patient treatment choices, Johns Hopkins University’s medical school will ban gifts and meals from drug makers and limit speaking and other consulting opportunities for doctors. .../...

Gifts and entertainment, including meals, regardless of value, from pharmaceutical and medical device companies will be prohibited. Consulting agreements for which doctors are paid will also be limited.

Starting in 2010, Johns Hopkins will also ban free drug samples. Samples with the brand names and manufacturer’s names removed may still be used for patient education.

Drug company representatives will also be restricted to non-patient areas at the hospital, and then only with invitation.


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Aunque me parece una decisión correcta y necesaria, me temo que esto no va a acabar bien. La industria farmacéutica quiere publicidad y la quiere a toda costa... sólo es cuestión de tiempo que empiecen a utilizar métodos publicitarios todavía menos éticos que los actuales.

Un saludo

pharmacoserias dijo...

Gracias por entrar.
Totalmente de acuerdo. El "imperio" de que "contraataca"...contraatacará...
Bienvenidos siempre a esta casa.