martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Alemania: Lo están haciendo mal y "una buena idea" CAMBIAR...

Research from Mederi Research and Acxiom has found that 68.6% of the German pharmaceutical industry believes they need to significantly improve the way they market drugs to prescribers. In addition, only 8.6% of respondents measure the success of their marketing on the networks they know influence prescribers’ decision-making.

“It seems incredible that two-thirds of the pharmaceutical industry could identify a problem and not do anything about it. We need to remember that until now, there was no effective way to target the networks that have such a massive influence on which drugs were chosen,” said Kilian Weiß, Mederi's Research Director.

“This research is a significant step towards helping the international pharmaceutical industry better understand its own routes to market,” said Sven Schartl, head of healthcare solutions at Acxiom Germany. “With this insight, sales organisations can target key influencers in the prescription decision far more precisely and effectively.”

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