lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Price Waterhouse: Pharma 2020. Marketing the future

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Como "abreboca estas dos Tablas.

En la Tabla 2 la precaridad de la Investigación.

En la Tabla 3 la diferenciación que caracteriza las mercados de GP´s y el de especialistas.

Y un comentario.

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Many of the industry leaders will also have to develop comprehensive strategies for marketing and selling specialist healthcare packages, a process that will require major organisational and cultural changes, including the development of new skills and routes to market.

One of the
biggest decisions these companies face will be what sort of business model to use. Thanks to globalisation and connectivity, various new models are emerging, both inside and outside the industry, and there is much that Pharma can learn from looking over the fence. Lastly, most – if not all – pharmaceutical companies will have to transform their marketing and sales functions.

2020, the role of the traditional sales representative will be largely obsolete.

Conversely, the industry will have
much greater need of people with the expertise to build brands; manage a network of external alliances; negotiate with governments and health insurers; liaise with secondary-care specialists; and communicate with patients.

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