Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche will cut 4,800 jobs over two years, mostly in the U.S., to help save 2.4 billion Swiss francs ($2.4 billion) by 2012, the company said Wednesday.
The cuts amount to six percent of its 82,000-strong global work force and will mainly affect positions in sales, marketing and manufacturing, Basel-based Roche Holding AG said in a statement.
A further 1,500 jobs will be transferred to other locations within the company or outsourced, meaning that a total of 6,300 positions will be affected.
Roche will also cut or transfer 770 jobs in Switzerland, 1,300 in other European countries and 680 in the rest of the world.
"These measures are necessary to ensure sustained success of the company," said Roche's Chief Executive, Severin Schwan. "We will make every effort to find socially responsible solutions for the employees affected."
Roche, dentro de Operational Excellence además de recortar 4.800 puestos de trabajo en los dos próximos años, lo que equivale aproximadamente al 6% de la plantilla, Roche informa que los mayores recortes se producirán en las áreas de ventas y producción. Además, a esta cifra 800 puestos de trabajo se transferirán a otros centros de Roche y unos 700 puestos se externalizarán a terceras empresas. Sumando los recortes, las transferencias de personal y la externalización se verán afectados unos 6.300 puestos de trabajo en todo el mundo. (Ver)
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