miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2024

Dramamine 75th anniversary.../ The Last Barf Bag: Bidding Farewell


The Last Barf Bag: Bidding Farewell to an American Icon celebrates the multi-decade legacy of a common feature of travel, one that is all too familiar to the millions of people who suffer from motion sickness. The film was created by FCB Chicago and directed by the filmmaking collective Sunny Sixteen over the course of a few weeks earlier this year.

The documentary was released to coincide with Dramamine’s 75th anniversary — which just so happens to be the same year the barf bag debuted.

It explores the extensive archives of three barf bag collectors, delving into how they accumulated their collections and why Dramamine’s continued usage has diminished their importance in the grander scheme of things.

The Last Barf Bag is equal parts bizarre, sincere, funny and poignant. The collectors gleefully expound on the artistic and cultural importance of barf bags, noting how designs and functions differ across airlines and countries. One collector even unfolds a barf bag that found its way onto the Space Shuttle.


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