miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2021

Aduhelm es un "milagro"?


Is the new Alzheimer’s ‘wonder drug’ really such a miracle? 

Research shows Aduhelm may not improve symptoms – and there are worrying side-effects. So what’s the best hope... and what can you do now to protect yourself? As far as holy grails in medicine are concerned, you don’t get one much more significant than a cure for dementia. It’s the condition many of us fear most, surveys consistently show, as the disease slowly but inexorably obliterates the mind.

We’ve been waiting for a breakthrough treatment for decades, yet despite billions spent on drug development and research by governments and companies worldwide, the majority of candidates have fallen by the wayside.

Some experimental medicines have even had the opposite effect of the intended effect, actually worsening brain function.

And the only drugs currently available simply tackle specific symptoms of mild to moderate dementia — there is nothing that can slow down the disease or prevent it.

So understandably there was huge excitement and hopeful headlines recently after the first new medicine for Alzheimer’s (the most common type of dementia) in two decades was approved by the U.S. regulator, the Food and Drug Administration. 


Más sobre Aduhelm en PHARMACOSERÍAS


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