Tomé "prestado" de Acta Sanitaria
Más de Mónica Lalanda en PHARMACOSERÍAS
lunes, 31 de julio de 2017
domingo, 30 de julio de 2017
ALPHEGA Factores de protección solar
Valores añadidos(Add values)
sábado, 29 de julio de 2017
Terapias de los sentidos: Eyacular...
Prostate cancer (PCa) accounts for approximately 15% of all new cancer diagnoses among men worldwide, and the burden of disease continues to increase globally. While diet and physical activity may provide some promise for secondary prevention, there are no evidence-based recommendations to offer healthy adult men to reduce PCa risk. The few established disease risk factors—age, race, family history, and germline polymorphisms—are not modifiable.
Sexual behaviors represent potential modifiable risk factors and may influence PCa development through a variety of specific mechanisms. One biological mechanism involves prostatic accumulation of potentially carcinogenic secretions, which may create more opportunity for PCa development, sometimes referred to as the prostate stagnation hypothesis.
On the basis of this premise, a prospective report from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) cohort published in 2004 found a statistically significant inverse association between monthly ejaculation frequency and PCa risk based on 8 yr of follow-up. Compared to men reporting an average of 4–7 ejaculations per month (EPM), the risk of PCa among men reporting ≥21 EPM in middle age was 50% lower. Although these initial findings were intriguing, the strongest reduction in risk was noted for ejaculation frequency in the time period immediately before questionnaire administration, raising concerns about the potential influence of undiagnosed PCa on the results.
This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in prevention of PCa, a disease for which relatively little is understood about etiology generally and knowledge of modifiable risk factors is particularly scant.
The results are robust to adjustment for many dietary, lifestyle, and screening behaviors, but additional work on the underlying biological mechanisms should be undertaken to corroborate these findings given the potential for residual confounding. More frequent ejaculation in the absence of risky sexual behaviors could represent an important means of reducing the profound medical costs and physical and psychological side effects of unnecessary diagnosis and treatment of low-risk tumors, even though it appears to be less strongly associated with aggressive disease.(Más)
Ver también:
Todo sobre eyaculación en PHARMACOSERÍAS
Prostate cancer (PCa) accounts for approximately 15% of all new cancer diagnoses among men worldwide, and the burden of disease continues to increase globally. While diet and physical activity may provide some promise for secondary prevention, there are no evidence-based recommendations to offer healthy adult men to reduce PCa risk. The few established disease risk factors—age, race, family history, and germline polymorphisms—are not modifiable.
Sexual behaviors represent potential modifiable risk factors and may influence PCa development through a variety of specific mechanisms. One biological mechanism involves prostatic accumulation of potentially carcinogenic secretions, which may create more opportunity for PCa development, sometimes referred to as the prostate stagnation hypothesis.
Terapias de los sentidos: Sexo a tope...pero con mujeres.
On the basis of this premise, a prospective report from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) cohort published in 2004 found a statistically significant inverse association between monthly ejaculation frequency and PCa risk based on 8 yr of follow-up. Compared to men reporting an average of 4–7 ejaculations per month (EPM), the risk of PCa among men reporting ≥21 EPM in middle age was 50% lower. Although these initial findings were intriguing, the strongest reduction in risk was noted for ejaculation frequency in the time period immediately before questionnaire administration, raising concerns about the potential influence of undiagnosed PCa on the results.
This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in prevention of PCa, a disease for which relatively little is understood about etiology generally and knowledge of modifiable risk factors is particularly scant.
The results are robust to adjustment for many dietary, lifestyle, and screening behaviors, but additional work on the underlying biological mechanisms should be undertaken to corroborate these findings given the potential for residual confounding. More frequent ejaculation in the absence of risky sexual behaviors could represent an important means of reducing the profound medical costs and physical and psychological side effects of unnecessary diagnosis and treatment of low-risk tumors, even though it appears to be less strongly associated with aggressive disease.(Más)
Ver también:
Humor es lunes...: La eyaculación precoz genera más insatisfacción en la mujer./Tautología retórica...o lógica.?

Todo sobre eyaculación en PHARMACOSERÍAS
viernes, 28 de julio de 2017
Ratón de biblioteca: The War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine
This eBook is more technical and detailed than the Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments. For example, it details a randomly chosen issue of the Reader's Digest and shows that a large number of pharmaceutical advertisements correlate with a large number of articles in the magazine which glorify orthodox medicine.
But the real power of this book is in its discussions of the tactics of the pharmaceutical industry, the media, and the FDA. Great detail is shown for how these three entities manipulate and control information.
Also, in this book is a chapter on how Linus Pauling, Ph.D. (two-time Nobel Prize winner) and Ewen Cameron, M.D. (actually M.B. in Scotland) demonstrated that Vitamin C, given in moderate doses, provided far, far better results for cancer patients than orthodox cancer treatments.
La gran mentira sobre la vitamina C
The two-time Nobel Prize winner and medical doctor infuriated the medical establishment because they had integrity. The tactics to discredit the Pauling/Cameron research are studied in detail.
In short, this eBook is for those who want to dig deeper into the tactics of the medical establishment, the media, the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA. (Solicitar envio)
Ver también:
Citario/El dijo que...: Alexis Bello/"Ciencia, erudición y pragmatismo".
Ratón de biblioteca...,
jueves, 27 de julio de 2017
Amazon looks set to enter healthcare market
All-conquering e-commerce giant Amazon could soon be entering the healthcare market.
The exact extent of Amazon’s ambitions aren’t yet clear, but rumours that it wants to enter the pharmacy market – including selling prescription medicines direct to consumers – has sent a chill down the spines of many existing healthcare company execs.
CNBC reported in May that Amazon was assembling a team to break into the $400 billion US pharmacy market. Its first stepping stone to that destination could be the acquisition of Whole Foods, a chain of upmarket grocery stores which has 450 locations across the country. These shops could accommodate pharmacies to provide face-to-face contact with millions of American customers.
Now Amazon has just hired a top technology executive in Missy Krasner, a former employee of corporate cloud content management company Box.
Amazon nabs a top Box exec in health as it goes after the medical industry
At Box, Krasner was the Vice President and managing director of the firm’s Healthcare and Life Sciences division. Prior to that, she had a five-year stint at Google where she was a founding member of the now defunct Google Health.
Reports are suggesting that Krasner could find a role Amazon Web Services, the company’s cloud division, which already has links to major health names like Bristol-Myers Squibb and healthcare software company Orion Health.
The appointment could be part of a larger push into the pharmaceutical space – as also reported by CNBC – which has already begun with the company selling medical supplies in the US.
Rather than establishing a bricks-and-mortar presence, Amazon may well want to focus on developing online pharmacy services. However the sector is more heavily regulated than other sectors, whether that is the US or other countries. The company has tried to enter the market once before – in the late 1990s it formed an alliance with Drugstore.com, but the venture ultimately proved unsuccessful.
Rumours about Amazon’s potential in healthcare began earlier this year when the company’s voice-enabled personal assistant, Alexa, was heavily showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Amazon Now Wants To Refill Prescriptions
Ver también:
Te lo digo y te lo repito. Y te lo vuelvo a repetir...Farmacia on-line NO-LINE
Marco Ricci July 24, 2017
All-conquering e-commerce giant Amazon could soon be entering the healthcare market.
The exact extent of Amazon’s ambitions aren’t yet clear, but rumours that it wants to enter the pharmacy market – including selling prescription medicines direct to consumers – has sent a chill down the spines of many existing healthcare company execs.
CNBC reported in May that Amazon was assembling a team to break into the $400 billion US pharmacy market. Its first stepping stone to that destination could be the acquisition of Whole Foods, a chain of upmarket grocery stores which has 450 locations across the country. These shops could accommodate pharmacies to provide face-to-face contact with millions of American customers.
Now Amazon has just hired a top technology executive in Missy Krasner, a former employee of corporate cloud content management company Box.
Amazon nabs a top Box exec in health as it goes after the medical industry
At Box, Krasner was the Vice President and managing director of the firm’s Healthcare and Life Sciences division. Prior to that, she had a five-year stint at Google where she was a founding member of the now defunct Google Health.
Reports are suggesting that Krasner could find a role Amazon Web Services, the company’s cloud division, which already has links to major health names like Bristol-Myers Squibb and healthcare software company Orion Health.
The appointment could be part of a larger push into the pharmaceutical space – as also reported by CNBC – which has already begun with the company selling medical supplies in the US.
Rather than establishing a bricks-and-mortar presence, Amazon may well want to focus on developing online pharmacy services. However the sector is more heavily regulated than other sectors, whether that is the US or other countries. The company has tried to enter the market once before – in the late 1990s it formed an alliance with Drugstore.com, but the venture ultimately proved unsuccessful.
Rumours about Amazon’s potential in healthcare began earlier this year when the company’s voice-enabled personal assistant, Alexa, was heavily showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Amazon Now Wants To Refill Prescriptions
Ver también:
Te lo digo y te lo repito. Y te lo vuelvo a repetir...Farmacia on-line NO-LINE
miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017
Te lo digo y te lo repito. Y te lo vuelvo a repetir...Farmacia on-line NO-LINE
Yo, repetidas veces, manifiesté ser esceptico ante las "farmacias on-line"
Farmacia "on line"
Tras dos años de su regulación en España, la venta de medicamentos sin receta a través de la web de las farmacias es anecdótica. Apenas el 1,2% de todas las boticas españolas -266 de las 21.968 del total- ha puesto en marcha desde entonces el comercio online de sus productos farmacéuticos sin prescripción, los únicos que son legales en nuestro país.
Al fracaso de este negocio en nuestro país -que sí ha funcionado en otros países europeos como Francia, Alemania, Portugal o Suecia- se ha unido en las últimas fechas la queja de varios de estos farmacéuticos que sí han dado el paso a la venta online. Según ha hecho público la propia patronal de las farmacias, Fefe, en algunas Comunidades Autónomas, como Madrid y Galicia, se han producido en los últimos meses varias sanciones a los dueños de estas farmacias por incumplir la normativa de publididad.
"El riesgo de incumplir algún precepto referido a la publicidad de la farmacia resulta muy alto en estas dos regiones, ya que sus Leyes de Ordenación prevén importantes sanciones, y a las inspecciones les resulta muy cómodo revisar estos aspectos en las farmacias que venden productos por Internet, sin salir de su despacho", asegura la patronal.
"En algunos casos se han analizado también los descuentos e incluso los gastos de envío, que si son nulos o inferiores al coste real podrían considerarse descuentos no autorizados, ya que en estos medicamentos existe el límite legal del 10% de descuento. Desde la Asociación Española de Asesores de Farmacia (Asefarma) confirman estas sanciones en 2016.
"La puesta en marcha de dichas páginas web así como de las dedicadas a parafarmacia ha generado en el último año la imposición de sanciones a farmacéuticos por realizar publicidad a través de medios online. Prácticamente toda publicidad está prohibida, según la interpretación restrictiva que hace la Consejería de Sanidad de la ley de Ordenación y Atención Farmacéutica de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Además, apunta Fefe, existe la obligación de separar la venta de medicamentos de otros productos lo que implica una dificultad añadida para el acceso a los clientes.(Ver)
martes, 25 de julio de 2017
Creatividad: Viagra & Cialis dejan la promocion en TV?
Is it the end of a controversial era? Erectile dysfunction ads will no longer be seen during televised NFL football games, according to a report in Advertising Age.
Neither Pfizer’s Viagra nor Eli Lilly’s Cialis will likely air TV ads during the NFL season; neither one bought fall football time in the recent upfronts, unnamed media insiders told the publication. Viagra ads have not aired on TV since May 15, according to data from real-time TV ad tracker iSpot.tv. Cialis, however, is still running a fairly strong TV ad schedule, having spent more than $8 million on TV ads in the last 30 days, according to iSpot.tv. It ranked eighth in pharma ad spending overall for the month of June.
A Pfizer spokesman declined to comment on the possible NFL departure, saying that the company does not disclose any marketing plans for "competitive reasons."
The apparent reason for the football fadeaway is that both drugs will soon lose patent exclusivity, and competition is on the way.
A Viagra generic from Teva Pharmaceuticals is expected to hit the market in December.
Both drugmakers have publicly discussed OTC plans for their ED drugs, but even approval wouldn’t guarantee TV advertising. Drugs that move from prescription to OTC tend to drop branded TV advertising in the process, although there are some exceptions, such as in the allergy space, where new-to-OTC drugs such as GSK’s Flonase continued aggressive TV buys with sales success. Pfizer´s Nexium purple pill is another instance of continued branded TV marketing after an OTC switch.
“Pfizer is evaluating a number of prescription drugs for a potential switch to nonprescription status. We are focused on categories that will have the greatest positive impact to people and the healthcare system overall," the spokesman said.
Lilly struck a deal with Sanofi in 2014 to begin work on an OTC Cialis to be marketed by Sanofi in the U.S., Europe, Canada and Australia.
Sanofi & Lilly announce licensing agreement for Cialis® (tadalafil) OTC
The move away from ED ads on TV is one that possibly only the TV channels and media buyers will mourn. ED commercials have been lampooned and criticized since they began, even though the drugs have proven a solid payday for viewer-bereft TV channels.
Last year, Viagra spent around $31 million on NFL TV ads during the season, while Cialis spent about $22 million, according to iSpot.tv data. (Ver)
Most recently, Cialis has bought time in Fox's coverage of the 2017 U.S. Open golf tournament and in select MLB games and Nascar races. The brand has also snapped up inventory in general entertainment programming such as TNT's new drama series "Claws" and ABC's "Shark Tank," as well as in NBC and CBS's respective nightly newscasts.
While Cialis remains committed to a summer TV schedule, its creative rotation has shown signs of stagnation. After pulling two of its three active commercials in early May, the brand is now down to a single 60-second spot ("A Moment Turns Romantic"), which it first introduced in September 2016, just in time for the new fall TV season. (Más)
lunes, 24 de julio de 2017
Humor: Funny Cialis Commercial
domingo, 23 de julio de 2017
BAYER siente su orgullo LGBT
La tradicional bandera multicolor fue izada en las oficinas centrales de la farmacéutica. Bayer amaneció con la bandera multicolor que representa la diversidad sexual flameando en su sede central, en Alemania.
La misma fue izada por los trabajadores de la empresa y en defensa de la comunidad bisexuales, gays, transexuales y lesbianas (LGTB).
“We appreciate the wealth of ideas,
backgrounds and perspectives
our employees bring to the Group.
We are convinced
of the very positive effect
this has on our business.
This is why we create
a working environment
that allows all employees
to freely express
their sexual orientation
and identity.”
Member of the Board of
Management Bayer AG.
Bajo el lema “nuestro mundo es colorido, nosotros también”, el grupo Blend se sumó al desfile CSD -Christopher Street Day-, que reúne a cerca de 800.000 personas cada año. (July 9) (Ver)
sábado, 22 de julio de 2017
SCRIP cambia de manos...
El "confidencial" más reconocido (y fiable) del mundo farma cambia de manos...
Integrated Medhealth Communication group acquires Script Medical Writing
The Canadian group brings a wealth of scientific writing expertise to IMC
IMCIndependent medical communications agency Integrated Medhealth Communication (IMC) has acquired Toronto-based Script Medical Writing as part of the expansion plans for its North American office.
Shairose Ebrahim, founder and CEO of the IMC group, said: “I am delighted to welcome the Script team to IMC NA. This acquisition is a testament to our unprecedented growth and success in the North American market and will strengthen our position as a leader in scientific communications globally.”
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Alguna vez fuimos noticia en sus páginas... |
Script was established in 1998 and has developed medical content including peer-reviewed journals and abstracts, posters and presentations for international congress across multiple therapy areas.
“Increasing our scientific writing expertise through Script, combined with our capabilities in developing innovative medical communications solutions, will provide added value to our clients and enable us to help them achieve greater success with their brands and communication programmes,” said Dr Azhar Rana, vice president and managing director of IMC North America. (Ver)
viernes, 21 de julio de 2017
Raton de biblioteca: Marca Roja / Andrea Santander*
En China, a los médicos que fallaban en mantener sanos a sus pacientes NO se les pagaba y se les dejaba una marca con pintura roja en la puerta principal de su casa. Esto mismo es lo que estoy haciendo con estos médicos que le han fallado a la gente que cree en ellos ciegamente, exponiendo su salud y su vida, y que tarde o temprano terminan víctimas de estos personajes sin escrúpulos, para los que importa más el dinero en su cuenta bancaria que la salud y la vida del paciente al que engañan conscientemente, y a quien se supone deberían ayudar a sanar.
El sistema de salud y los médicos-maquinaria y engranajes-, bailan al compás de la música que dirigen los laboratorios fabricantes de fármacos y vacunas, la mafia farmacéutica (FarMafia), y ya es hora que usted se entere que las cosas no funcionan como tan ingenuamente creíamos todos.
Yo acuso a este sistema de estar viciado. Yo señalo con mi dedo a la llamada “gran farma” y le pinto en su puerta una MARCA ROJA para que todos sepan que le HA FALLADO a la humanidad que confió en ella.
Yo denuncio a viva voz los engaños de la industria farmacéutica para que todos los que elijan seguir medicándose, de ahora en adelante, lo hagan con pleno conocimiento de las consecuencias que les esperan por permitir que los dañinos productos de estas empresas inescrupulosas ingresen en su cuerpo o en el de sus hijos.
Esta MARCA ROJA (descargar) es una advertencia, un llamado de atención, un símbolo de alerta, para que nadie cruce la línea sin ser advertido antes de los peligros que conlleva aceptar ingerir o recibir cualquier fármaco o vacuna.
(*) Andrea Santander ha investigado -entre muchos otros- el tema de las vacunas y fármacos, sus resultados nocivos en la salud de las personas, y ha escrito, traducido y difundido material relativo a estos temas.
Desde el año 2010 hasta el 2013 ha escrito para el periódico alternativo “El Guardián de la Salud” (www.guardiansalud.cl) y desde el año 2009 es vocera del “Movimiento Ciudadano Detengan La Vacuna”, Chile (detenganlavacuna.wordpress.com).-
Ratón de biblioteca...
jueves, 20 de julio de 2017
Generics: Top 15´s 2016
miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017
España: El boom de los genéricos.

La Comisión Nacional de la Competencia (CNMC) anunció en marzo de este año que iba a iniciar un estudio sobre el mercado de comercialización de medicamentos en España. La CNMC sospecha que se dan estrategias para retrasar o frenar la entrada de medicamentos genéricos al mercado, no solo a través del sistema de patentes sino también por las grandes farmacéuticas de marca que consiguen hacerse una cuota extra en el mercado de genéricos.
Por ejemplo, varios de los laboratorios que más medicamentos de marca venden también tiene su cuota de mercado entre los genéricos. El caso más claro es el de la farmacéutica Novartis: es la segunda compañía que más medicamentos de marca comercializa y la tercera con más genéricos autorizados.
Una táctica empresarial que también se da entre los propios medicamentos. eldiario.es ha localizado hasta 20 casos donde la misma farmacéutica vende el medicamento genérico y el de marca de la misma sustancia, según el análisis de la base de datos de la Agencia Española de Medicamentos.
Por ejemplo, son los casos del grupo Doctor Esteve, que sacó su propio genérico para competir con el Motilium, también comercializado por ellos, o Bayer, que está autorizado para vender el genérico Canesmed, que compite con Canesten, también producido por la multinacional alemana.
“No hay ninguna distorsión de la competencia ya que ambos fármacos compiten entre sí”, defienden desde Farmaindustria, patronal de las farmacéuticas innovadoras. (Más)

La Comisión Nacional de la Competencia (CNMC) anunció en marzo de este año que iba a iniciar un estudio sobre el mercado de comercialización de medicamentos en España. La CNMC sospecha que se dan estrategias para retrasar o frenar la entrada de medicamentos genéricos al mercado, no solo a través del sistema de patentes sino también por las grandes farmacéuticas de marca que consiguen hacerse una cuota extra en el mercado de genéricos.
Por ejemplo, varios de los laboratorios que más medicamentos de marca venden también tiene su cuota de mercado entre los genéricos. El caso más claro es el de la farmacéutica Novartis: es la segunda compañía que más medicamentos de marca comercializa y la tercera con más genéricos autorizados.
Una táctica empresarial que también se da entre los propios medicamentos. eldiario.es ha localizado hasta 20 casos donde la misma farmacéutica vende el medicamento genérico y el de marca de la misma sustancia, según el análisis de la base de datos de la Agencia Española de Medicamentos.
Por ejemplo, son los casos del grupo Doctor Esteve, que sacó su propio genérico para competir con el Motilium, también comercializado por ellos, o Bayer, que está autorizado para vender el genérico Canesmed, que compite con Canesten, también producido por la multinacional alemana.
“No hay ninguna distorsión de la competencia ya que ambos fármacos compiten entre sí”, defienden desde Farmaindustria, patronal de las farmacéuticas innovadoras. (Más)
martes, 18 de julio de 2017
Creatividad: Vitus Apotek (Norway) A lifetime in 60 seconds
In just 60 seconds.

The result is a film with no less than 101 women from age zero to one hundred portrayed completely natural and without any retouching. Put together in a stop motion fashion the spectator is taken on a journey through generations and ultimately a time-lapse of an entire lifetime.
lunes, 17 de julio de 2017
Humor...es lunes: VENEZUELA, hasta el Dr.José Gregorio Hernandez* dijo...SI
domingo, 16 de julio de 2017
Fallece José Luis Cuevas el "Gato Macho" de la plástica mexicana
Su intención inicial era mostrar la angustia y la soledad del hombre y eligió para ello las escenas que encontró en hospitales y prostíbulos; sus modelos fueron y siguen siendo la prostituta, el pordiosero, el loco y el enfermo.
A pesar de la recurrencia de los temas, de Cuevas se puede decir que en su obra existen diferentes variantes protagonizados por seres deformes, bellas imágenes de personajes casi monstruosos. (Más)
Algunas vez este país fue una tierra de grandes dinosaurios.
Y no precisamente de Ecatepec, donde se encontró un vestigio de estos míticos animales.
Hablo de otra clase de dinosaurios, de seres extraordinarios que con sus obras dieron fama y gloria en el mundo a México, donde hoy está clase de figuras se encuentran en franca extinción y su lugar es ocupado por una legión de antihéroes que el cine, la televisión, los periódicos y los llamados nuevos medios de comunicación exaltan hoy como sus nuevos ídolos.
Con la muerte de José Luis Cuevas el día de ayer, muere también una parte de ese México que en el Siglo XX habitaron verdaderos titanes de arte, la literatura y la cultura en nuestro país; gente de alto calibre como Alfonso Reyes, Daniel Cossío Villegas, Juan Rulfo, Juan José Arreola, Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez y una pléyade de grandes figuras.
En el ámbito de la pintura: Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros, Frida Khalo y Rufino Tamayo, de gran renombre internacional todavía hoy en el mundo.
A esta camada de enormes protagonistas del siglo XX en México perteneció José Luis Cuevas, dibujante, grabador y artista plástico mexicano que murió ayer a los 83 años de edad.
Cuevas fue un artista visionario y precoz.
Antes de los 10 años de edad descubrió su vocación artística; a los 14 realizó su primera exposición, donde ya destaca por su extraordinaria facilidad de línea en el dibujo; y a los 23 años, cuando ya era reconocido por la crítica, decretó la muerte del Muralismo y la Escuela Mexicana de Pintura, inventados años atrás por José Vasconcelos para sacralizar el México Revolucionario.
Así, fue artífice de la llamada Generación de la Ruptura y como tal, en su ensayo intitulado “La Cortina de Nopal” cuestionó severamente la temática nacionalista, izquierdista y revolucionaria de los muralistas por considerarla ya agotada, y pugnó por un arte cosmopolita, neofigurativo y apolítico en sus obras.
Cuevas colaboró en diversas publicaciones y escribió e ilustró varios libros.
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De la biblioteca #CasaMaza |
Sin duda, puede afirmarse que su biografía quedó plasmada en su abundante obra artística, así como en los “Cuevarios” que escribiera durante años para “El Búho”, suplemento cultural de Excélsior, o en libros de memorias como el de “Cuevas antes de Cuevas”, en donde, entre otras cosas, podemos constatar que toda su vida este artista fue un hombre hiperactivo, irreverente, polémico, contestatario, vanidoso, egocentrista, mitómano y enamoradizo, pero sobre todo de talento y curiosidad inagotables, un artista de gran cultura, reconocido nacional e internacionalmente, que amaba hablar de sí mismo, autorretratarse, autofotografiarse, dibujar monstruos y dar vida a esculturas y multitud de obras a la vez horribles y fascinantes. Prostitutas, locos y enfermos son personajes deformados de sus dibujos.
Gracias a su hermano,
quien era médico psiquiatra de La Castañeda,
Cuevas logró acceder a éste psiquiátrico
para retratar los rostros de los pacientes,
quienes con locura y dolor
lo inspiraron para una etapa
en la que Cuevas se transformó
en un artista oscuro
que algunos califican como grotesco.
En uno de sus “Cuevarios” afirma que no sabía llorar y que, por esa razón, se hizo un autorretrato con una lágrima en la mejilla; “la única lágrima – puntualizó – que derramé en mi vida”.
Muchas de las cosas que dijo Cuevas tal vez jamás sucedieron, pero Cuevas era un encantador de serpientes por su gran elocuencia y todo se le creía.
Hoy, sin embargo, yo no puedo creer que esté muerto. Seguro se trata de otra de sus balandronadas.
Aunque la realidad sea otra y su muerte sólo resulte un signo más de lo que hoy es este pobre “México negro querido” que con su muerte se está quedando sus valiosos dinosaurios de nuestra cultura.(Más)
sábado, 15 de julio de 2017
Será que Soriot-exit te vas a TEVA...?
La historia es larga.
La puedes seguir en PHARMACOSERÍAS...
Por qué te vas de TEVA Jeremi Levin?
TEVA: Te vas a someter a prueba de polígrafo...Jeremi Levin?
Y ahora...AstraZeneca's CEO Soriot to join Israeli drugs company
Teva Israel-based Teva Pharmaceutical Industries is expected to name Anglo-Swedish group AstraZeneca's Chief Executive Pascal Soriot as Teva's next CEO, the Calcalist financial news website said on Wednesday.
Soriot has met with Teva's search committee and its chairman and expressed his agreement to serve as its next CEO, Calcalist said.
Teva was left without a permanent CEO in February after Erez Vigodman stepped down, leaving new management to try to restore confidence in the world's biggest generic drugmaker after a series of missteps. Chief Financial Officer Eyal Desheh also resigned at the end of June.
Soriot is expected to earn twice as much as Vigodman and receive a bonus upon signing the contract, estimated at about $20 million, Calcalist said, adding that the financial terms were still being discussed.
Shares in Teva were up 3.4 percent at $32.02 in late New York trade, while AstraZeneca's shares in New York were up 0.03 percent at $33.25.
AZ on the slide again as CEO departure rumours bubble away
"We don’t comment on rumor and speculation," an AstraZeneca spokeswoman said.
Teva also said it did not comment on market rumors. The company's chairman, Sol Barer, said in May his top priority was the continuing global search to identify a candidate with "deep and broad pharmaceutical experience" to serve as Teva's permanent CEO.
Then chairman Yitzhak Peterburg replaced Vigodman on a temporary basis.
When asked whether Teva might waive its requirement for the CEO to be based in Israel, Barer said in May: "We are looking around the world for the best candidate. We are committed once we find that candidate to do what it takes to bring that candidate to Teva."
The French born Soriot, 58, has been AstraZeneca's CEO since 2012. AstraZeneca has been active in Israel since 2009.(Ver)
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Todo sobre Soriot en PHARMACOSERÍAS
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Y ahora...AstraZeneca's CEO Soriot to join Israeli drugs company
Teva Israel-based Teva Pharmaceutical Industries is expected to name Anglo-Swedish group AstraZeneca's Chief Executive Pascal Soriot as Teva's next CEO, the Calcalist financial news website said on Wednesday.
Soriot has met with Teva's search committee and its chairman and expressed his agreement to serve as its next CEO, Calcalist said.
Teva was left without a permanent CEO in February after Erez Vigodman stepped down, leaving new management to try to restore confidence in the world's biggest generic drugmaker after a series of missteps. Chief Financial Officer Eyal Desheh also resigned at the end of June.
Soriot is expected to earn twice as much as Vigodman and receive a bonus upon signing the contract, estimated at about $20 million, Calcalist said, adding that the financial terms were still being discussed.
Shares in Teva were up 3.4 percent at $32.02 in late New York trade, while AstraZeneca's shares in New York were up 0.03 percent at $33.25.
AZ on the slide again as CEO departure rumours bubble away
"We don’t comment on rumor and speculation," an AstraZeneca spokeswoman said.
Teva also said it did not comment on market rumors. The company's chairman, Sol Barer, said in May his top priority was the continuing global search to identify a candidate with "deep and broad pharmaceutical experience" to serve as Teva's permanent CEO.
Then chairman Yitzhak Peterburg replaced Vigodman on a temporary basis.
When asked whether Teva might waive its requirement for the CEO to be based in Israel, Barer said in May: "We are looking around the world for the best candidate. We are committed once we find that candidate to do what it takes to bring that candidate to Teva."
The French born Soriot, 58, has been AstraZeneca's CEO since 2012. AstraZeneca has been active in Israel since 2009.(Ver)
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Todo sobre Soriot en PHARMACOSERÍAS
viernes, 14 de julio de 2017
Ratón de biblioteca: Trick or Treatment?: Alternative Medicine on Trial / Simon Singh&Edzard Ernst
Prince Charles is a staunch defender and millions of people swear by it; most UK doctors consider it to be little more than superstition and a waste of money. But how do you know which treatments really heal and which are potentially harmful?
UK: "Real medicina" no es medicina realmente...
Now at last you can find out, thanks to the formidable partnership of Professor Edzard Ernst and Simon Singh. Edzard Ernst is the world's first professor of complementary medicine, based at Exeter University, where he has spent over a decade analysing meticulously the evidence for and against alternative therapies.
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He is supported in his findings by Simon Singh, the well-known and highly respected science writer of several international bestsellers.
Together they have written the definitive book on the subject. It is honest, impartial but hard-hitting, and provides a thorough examination and judgement of more than thirty of the most popular treatments, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, chiropractic and herbal medicine.
In Trick or Treatment? the ultimate verdict on alternative medicine is delivered for the first time with clarity, scientific rigour and absolute authority. (Ver)
Ratón de biblioteca...,
jueves, 13 de julio de 2017
Cuanto ganan los que más ganan en Pharma...2016 (VI)
Johnson & Johnson’s CEO will be near the top of the list, regardless who’s in the job. Same for Abbott Laboratories—until it spun off its pharma business, AbbVie, whose CEO is now a regular. Same for Bristol-Myers Squibb—from Jim Cornelius to Lamberto Andreotti and now Giovanni Caforio, M.D.
What’s not guaranteed is that the chairman of a generics maker in hot water with the U.S. government and American parents—Mylan’s Robert Coury—would step off the company’s employee roster and into the nonexecutive chairman’s job and reap a $97 million package with the move.
Or that a biotech company led by a savvy dealmaker—Medivation and David Hung, M.D.—would sell to a Big Pharma—Pfizer—and leave with a golden parachute worth more than $35 million (not to mention more than $300 million in payoff from the sale, but that’s another story, or ranking).
Or that a specialty pharma company whose stock tanked by 40% when it slashed its guidance, namely Endo, would bid goodbye to its CEO, Rajiv De Silva, and pay him $19 million for the year, including almost $100,000 for the privilege of an immediate sendoff.
And certainly not that a company trying to rehab its reputation and its badly beaten stock price would, despite government investigations, hand over $63 million to its CEO for failing to do much to fix either. That, of course, is Valeant and its chief, Joseph Papa.
These are the outliers of 2017. Also on this top 15 list are executives who have been outliers themselves at least once, including Regeneron chief Leonard Schleifer, M.D., Ph.D., who joined the list in 2012 with $30.05 million when his company’s lead product hit the market, and hit it big. And then there are those, like Pfizer CEO Ian Read and Merck & Co.’s Ken Frazier and Amgen’s Robert Bradway, who always make their appearances somewhere or other, but never at the top, and never with much big movement in the individual line items on their proxy statements. (Más)
Ver anterior:
Cuanto ganan los que más ganan en Pharma...2014 (V)
Johnson & Johnson’s CEO will be near the top of the list, regardless who’s in the job. Same for Abbott Laboratories—until it spun off its pharma business, AbbVie, whose CEO is now a regular. Same for Bristol-Myers Squibb—from Jim Cornelius to Lamberto Andreotti and now Giovanni Caforio, M.D.
What’s not guaranteed is that the chairman of a generics maker in hot water with the U.S. government and American parents—Mylan’s Robert Coury—would step off the company’s employee roster and into the nonexecutive chairman’s job and reap a $97 million package with the move.
Or that a biotech company led by a savvy dealmaker—Medivation and David Hung, M.D.—would sell to a Big Pharma—Pfizer—and leave with a golden parachute worth more than $35 million (not to mention more than $300 million in payoff from the sale, but that’s another story, or ranking).
Or that a specialty pharma company whose stock tanked by 40% when it slashed its guidance, namely Endo, would bid goodbye to its CEO, Rajiv De Silva, and pay him $19 million for the year, including almost $100,000 for the privilege of an immediate sendoff.
And certainly not that a company trying to rehab its reputation and its badly beaten stock price would, despite government investigations, hand over $63 million to its CEO for failing to do much to fix either. That, of course, is Valeant and its chief, Joseph Papa.
These are the outliers of 2017. Also on this top 15 list are executives who have been outliers themselves at least once, including Regeneron chief Leonard Schleifer, M.D., Ph.D., who joined the list in 2012 with $30.05 million when his company’s lead product hit the market, and hit it big. And then there are those, like Pfizer CEO Ian Read and Merck & Co.’s Ken Frazier and Amgen’s Robert Bradway, who always make their appearances somewhere or other, but never at the top, and never with much big movement in the individual line items on their proxy statements. (Más)
Ver anterior:
Cuanto ganan los que más ganan en Pharma...2014 (V)
miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017
McKesson criticize (Teamsters) for ‘excessive’ CEO pay
Erika Fry Jul 10, 2017
In his 17 years as CEO of McKesson, the nearly $200 billion drug distributor that ranks No. 5 on this year’s Fortune 500, John Hammergren has made a lot of money.
He took home $639 million in total compensation in the last decade alone, according to company filings. In 2010, he made roughly $398,000 a day. His house in the hills of Orinda, Calif., went on the market last year for $22.5 million; realty photos of the place showed a four-car garage harboring Ferraris.
His $97.6 million in total earnings for the 2017 fiscal year (which ended in March) included the $285,270 the company reimbursed him for the installation of home security devices and/or security monitoring services.
Hammergren is consistently one of America’s highest-paid executives, and as such, his compensation has been scrutinized and pilloried over the years—in 2013, shareholders overwhelmingly said no to his pay package (something shareholders rarely ever do). But this year, a considerable amount of outrage over the CEO’s compensation is focused on a $1.1 million slice of his $97.6 million compensation pie—and that outrage is closely related to the country's spiraling opioid crisis.
He’s One of the Nation’s Highest-Paid CEOs—and You’ve Never Heard of Him
The $1.1 million is the amount the McKesson board’s compensation committee boosted Hammergren’s annual bonus pay this year—a cherry on top of all that other cash—through the use of an “individual performance modifier,” an assessment that incorporates a range of non-financial metrics including alignment with the company’s much touted “ICARE” principles—Integrity, Customer first, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. Good behavior, in essence.(...)
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters owns shares in the company through its pension and benefit funds. In a letter sent late last week to fellow McKesson shareholders, the union took aim at the issue: “It is staggering that Hammergren received a $1.1 million boost to his bonus just months after the company announced it had reached a record $150 million settlement with the DEA in a year the company faces mounting litigation, negative press and Congressional scrutiny.”
Noting the executive received the same 150% upward adjustment to his bonus the previous four years, the union implored shareholders to vote against Hammergren’s compensation package at the company’s upcoming annual shareholder meeting on July 26. (These votes are non-binding but theoretically inform the board for future consideration.)
Ver también:
Erika Fry Jul 10, 2017
In his 17 years as CEO of McKesson, the nearly $200 billion drug distributor that ranks No. 5 on this year’s Fortune 500, John Hammergren has made a lot of money.
He took home $639 million in total compensation in the last decade alone, according to company filings. In 2010, he made roughly $398,000 a day. His house in the hills of Orinda, Calif., went on the market last year for $22.5 million; realty photos of the place showed a four-car garage harboring Ferraris.
His $97.6 million in total earnings for the 2017 fiscal year (which ended in March) included the $285,270 the company reimbursed him for the installation of home security devices and/or security monitoring services.
Pharma Golden Parachutes*: Allergan chief's $140M-plus golden parachute tops pharma.
He’s One of the Nation’s Highest-Paid CEOs—and You’ve Never Heard of Him
The $1.1 million is the amount the McKesson board’s compensation committee boosted Hammergren’s annual bonus pay this year—a cherry on top of all that other cash—through the use of an “individual performance modifier,” an assessment that incorporates a range of non-financial metrics including alignment with the company’s much touted “ICARE” principles—Integrity, Customer first, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. Good behavior, in essence.(...)
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters owns shares in the company through its pension and benefit funds. In a letter sent late last week to fellow McKesson shareholders, the union took aim at the issue: “It is staggering that Hammergren received a $1.1 million boost to his bonus just months after the company announced it had reached a record $150 million settlement with the DEA in a year the company faces mounting litigation, negative press and Congressional scrutiny.”
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The Teamsters against excessive pay at McKesson. |
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