El significado del HONcode
El webmaster/editor del sitio web certificado se obliga a mantener el sitio web en conformidad con los princípios HONcode a partir de la certificación.
A pesar de que existen medidas para garantizar que el sitio web certificado cumple con los princípios éticos de HON, como por ejemplo el mecanismo de quejas, la reevaluación anual y los mecanismos automáticos de vigilancia, no se pueden excluir errores ocasionales por falta de precisión. En niguna occasión la Fundación HON y/o su socios pueden ser responsabilizados por daños que resultan por la imposibilidad de utilizar las páginas web certificadas por HONcode y tampoco se puede responsabilizar la Fundación HON y/o sus socios por el contenido de los sitios certificados, incluyendo, y no limitando las informaciones de terceros o hypervínculos que son accesibles via los sitios certificados de HONcode.
Los responsables del sitio web certificado son responsables por el contenido de la página web, a menos que exista otra normativa definida por ley.
The commitment to reliable health and medical information on the internet
HON was founded to encourage the dissemination of quality health information for patients and professionals and the general public, and to facilitate access to the latest and most relevant medical data through the use of the internet.
The HONcode certification is an ethical standard aimed at offering quality health information. It demonstrates the intent of a website to publish transparent information. The transparency of the website will improve the usefulness and objectivity of the information and the publishment of correct data.
The HONcode is a code of ethics that guides site managers in setting up a minimum set of mechanisms to provide quality, objective and transparent medical information tailored to the needs of the audience.
Sites applying for certification and sites already certified undertake to respect the HONcode and the requirements for certification.
HON cannot guarantee the accuracy of medical information presented by a site and its completeness at any given time, but possession of the HONcode seal allows a site to demonstrate its intention to contribute to quality medical information through the publishment of objective and transparent information.
HONcode is the oldest and the most used ethical and trustworthy code for medical and health related information available on Internet.The HONcode is designed for three target audiences: the general public, the health professionals and the web publisher, actively involving the site owner in the process of certification.
The HON Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization, internationally known for its pioneering work in the field of health information ethics, notably for the establishment of its code of ethical conduct, the HONcode.
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