Robin Hood, según la leyenda, era un varón de gran corazón que vivía fuera de la ley escondido en el Bosque de Sherwood y de Barnsdale, cerca de la ciudad de Nottingham. Hábil arquero, defensor de los pobres y oprimidos, luchaba contra el sheriff de Nottingham y el príncipe Juan Sin Tierra, que utilizaban la fuerza pública para acaparar ilegítimamente las riquezas de los nobles que se le oponían. Roba a los enriquecidos ilegítimamente y distribuye el botín entre los pobres y las víctimas.
Tony Hook pretende hacer todo lo opuesto..."quitar" a los pobres a beneficio de los ricos...
Ahora devela sus planes...:
Tony Zook, said that the aim is for emerging markets to contribute 25% of sales by 2014, up from 13%, or about $4.35 billion, in 2009. This will be done through sales of existing and new drugs as well as through the launch of “a highly selective portfolio of branded generics”.
...Mr Zook told PharmaTimes World News that a "stringent criteria" has been adopted to focus on markets and products that will be highly profitable. As such, 30 out of 100-plus markets have been selected and just 100 molecules, out of over 2,000 that were considered.
Those 100 or so branded generics will be in therapeutic areas where AstraZeneca is strong, eg 30-40 in central nervous system, 20-30 in cardiovascular and 15-25 in oncology. The company has just signed a branded generics supply deal with India's Torrent Pharmaceuticals, covering 18 products and Mr Zook added that while AstraZeneca will look at other alliances and possible acquisitions, its forecasts for 2014 do not include those possibilities.
The company also said it will be focusing on the small and mid-sized markets outside the BRIC countries, plus Mexico and Turkey. Excluding those six, the other 11 nations classed as emerging could add $60 billion to sales by 2014.
AstraZeneca claimed that it is the fastest-growing pharmaceutical company in the Middle East and North Africa region and highlighted Saudi Arabia and Algeria as areas of great potential. Other promising markets the company mentioned are Poland and Romania.

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