domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Nunca "segundas vidas" fueron buenas...o si?

30 de abril de 2008.- Primero fue un blog, luego un libro y, finalmente, una serie de televisión. Tomó el nombre prestado de una de las más míticas películas de Buñuel, 'Belle de Jour', aquélla en la que Catherine Deneuve interpretaba a una de las viciosas más famosas de la historia del cine, burguesa acomodada de día y prostituta sumisa por vocación en sus ratos libres, sin perder nunca la perversión decadente y 'chic' que tan bien ha sabido rentabilizar la esfinge Deneuve." (EL MUNDO)

Ver...I´am Belle de Jour

The secret life of Dr Brooke Magnanti, an obscure research scientist, is revealed today as she unmasks herself as the writer behind the pseudonym Belle de Jour.

Her identity has been one of the great literary mysteries of the decade after the publication of bestselling books about her secret life as a prostitute.

Magnanti is a respected specialist in developmental neurotoxicology and cancer epidemiology in a hospital research group in Bristol. Six years ago, in the final stages of her PhD thesis, she ran out of money and turned to prostitution through a London escort agency, charging £300 an hour. Already an experienced science blogger, she began writing about her experiences in a web diary that was adapted into books and a television drama starring Billie Piper.


Until last week, not even her agent knew her real name. A month ago she revealed her secret to her colleagues at the Bristol Initiative for Research of Child Health, who were “amazingly kind and supportive”. She was preparing to tell her parents this weekend.

Magnanti said she was working on a doctoral study for the department of forensic pathology of Sheffield University in 2003 when she took up prostitution. “I was getting ready to submit my thesis. I saved up a bit of money. I thought, I’ll just move to London, because that’s where the jobs are, and I’ll see what happens."

I couldn’t find a professional job in my chosen field because I didn’t have my PhD yet. I didn’t have a lot of spare time on my hands because I was still making corrections and preparing for the viva; and I got through my savings a lot faster than I thought I would.


Ver tambien...EL DIARIO DE BELLE (El Mundo)

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