The programme will see Roche produce and store Tamiflu (oseltamivir) stockpiles for up to 70 eligible developing countries, who are members of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), and a reduced cost that can be spread over a number of years.
Upon declaration of an influenza pandemic or a public health emergency by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Roche will ship the stockpiled Tamiflu to the governments of the affected countries. The countries will be able to opt to purchase their stockpile at any time.
Roche is currently trying to establish the coordination of orders through a UN partner agency such as the WHO or UNICEF.

El precio de cada envase de 10 cápsulas, sin incluir tasas o impuestos locales, será de 5 a 6 euros para los de 75 miligramos; de 3 a 3,65 euros para las de 45 miligramos; y de 2 a 2,55 euros las de 30 miligramos.
(Tome prestado de PUBLICO 2 de julio de 2009)
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