lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Roche conversa con OMS sobre Tamiflu...

ZURICH (MarketWatch) -- Roche Holding AG said Saturday it is in regular communication with the World Health Organization concerning a outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, and could deliver several million doses of its Tamiflu drug should the treatment prove effective.
The outbreak of a new multi-strain swine flu virus transmitted from human to human has killed up to 60 people in Mexico and was termed a "serious situation" with "pandemic potential" by the WHO Saturday.
Tamiflu is a flu drug produced by the Basel-based pharmaceutical company, though it is unclear whether it can be successfully used to treat swine flu. Company spokesman Claudia Schmitt said Roche is prepared to deliver several million doses should the need arise as part of an emergency stockpile program.
Sari Segoti, a WHO spokeswoman, confirmed the WHO is looking into whether Tamiflu might be effective in swine flu.

Con relación a este tema quiero traer parte del "post" de ayer de Antonio Villafaina en Salud y otras cosas de comer...

"Primero vinieron a por las vacas, pero yo no me preocupé porque no era una vaca...
Después vinieron a por los pollos, pero yo no me preocupé porque no era un pollo...
Ahora vienen a por los cerdos, mucho cuidado para los conejos...

Denunciamos a los que se beneficiaron vendiendo miedo, y pedimos el sosiego necesario para que no volvamos a repetir los errores del pasado..."

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