martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

UK: Regalos "desinteresados" de la industria...

Algunos ejemplos...:

· Astra Zeneca paid £2,500 for a doctor at the Royal Bournemouth trust and £1,500 for a doctor at Sheffield teaching hospital to attend a cancer conference in Texas

· Sanofi-Aventis, the world's fourth biggest pharmaceutical company, paid for doctors at the Countess of Chester trust to go to conferences in Cape Town, New Orleans and Barcelona. At Gateshead trust, their reps gave a breakfast for 30 staff "to discuss drugs for the treatment of breast cancer". The trust's register records that "the donor was seeking to secure business".

· Roche spent £2,000 for an oncology consultant at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge to go to a conference in May last year.

· GSK, the biggest British pharmaceutical company, paid £1,200 for a consultant at Sheffield teaching hospital to attend the 11th international congress of Parkinson's disease and movement disorders in Turkey last June.


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

¿Regalos desinteresados? ¿Desde cuando las empresas que no son ONG hacen reglos desinteresados...? ¿Por qué se pagan desde los departamentos de Marketing...? ¿Por qué se contabilizan en los prespuestos de inversión de cada producto...? Los "regalos" tienen una única intención: incrementar las ventas; lo demás, son ganas inútiles de justificar lo injustificable ante la opinión pública.