jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Homeopatía es brujería...

Por más empeño puesto por homeopáticos /anthroposóphicas agrupaciones..., lobistas de Boiron (y cia) ...en celebrar este evento...

"EU Homeopathy Day is a joint initiative of the European associations of patients, doctors, practitioners, pharmacists and industry in the field of complementary medicine in Europe."

En UK el National Health Service no pagará por estos servicios según declara la British Medical Association.

"Hundreds of members of the BMA have passed a motion denouncing the use of the alternative medicine, saying taxpayers should not foot the bill for remedies with no scientific basis to support them.

The BMA has previously expressed scepticism about homoeopathy, arguing that the rationing body, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence should examine the evidence base and make a definitive ruling about the use of the remedies in the NHS.

Now, the annual conference of junior doctors has gone further, with a vote overwhelmingly supporting a blanket ban, and an end to all placements for trainee doctors which teach them homeopathic principles."


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