Many thousands of hereditary cancers and deaths could be prevented simply by taking aspirin, a landmark study has found.
Two pills a day cut the long-term risk of bowel cancer in people with a family history of the disease by 60% and there was also evidence of a similar impact on other solid cancers with the same genetic link.
The findings, published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal, suggest aspirin treatment could prevent up to 10,000 cancers over the next 30 years and possibly save 1,000 lives. Despite taking large doses of aspirin - two 300 milligram pills per day - patients taking part in the study suffered no undue adverse effects. (Ver)
The study, published by The Lancet, involved 43 centres in 16 countries and followed nearly 1,000 patients. (Ver)
También, ya fué publicado en NEJM en 1995:
Aspirin and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Women
Aspirina es un caso "emblemático" respecto al uso de estrategias de LifeCycle Management por parte de la industria farmacéutica.

F.Comas/Curso de Postgrado Mercadeo Farmacéutico/
Facultad Farmacia Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV)
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