miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Certain Adverse Events

Certain Adverse Events es el título de una web que se define como:

Public Citizen, the Washington, D.C. public interest organization, sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2008 to force a warning change on dangerous antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. These over-prescribed drugs, including Cipro and Levaquin share reports of debilitating side effects, like Achilles tendon rupture, cartilage tears and surprising mental changes. People harmed by fluoroquinolones speak out in the documentary film CERTAIN ADVERSE EVENTS, which exposes little known facts about the prescription drug industry. Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D., Public Citizen's Health Research Director, and the organization's legal experts, discuss the reason for their successful lawsuit against the FDA. During their weekly radio broadcast, Baltimore pharmacists Brian Sanderoff and Ray Hinish, criticize the FDA for its lack of accountability to the public and general ineffectiveness.

De ellos este primer capítulo de una serie de seis...

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