miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Citario/El dijo que...: Joseph Hammang senior director of worldwide science Pfizer

Question: But Pfizer has paid billions in fines for illegal, off-label marketing [prodding doctors to prescribe drugs for uses that were not approved by the FDA]. Don't these fines feed the perceptions that the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are prescribing us medicine that we don't need?

Answer: People make mistakes. We've been fined. And we're making reparations for those mistakes. But they're really, really isolated. You have to understand that the vast majority of the people who work in the industry are doing it for all the right reasons. ... But yes, it absolutely, positively fuels that stuff you read on the Internet. But like so many things, it's blown way, way, way out of proportion.

Dr. Joseph Hammang, senior director of worldwide science at Pfizer speaks

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