viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Cinema Paradiso: Safer Medicines

Safer Medicines Campaign is an independent patient safety organisation of doctors and scientists whose concern is whether animal testing, today, is more harmful than helpful to public health and safety. Our goal is to protect human health by promoting human-specific medical research.

WHAT we are calling for

  • Safe and effective treatments for patients as soon as possible
  • Open discussion of the key scientific questions at the heart of this controversial issue, separately from the associated highly-charged ethical issues
  • Independent scientific evaluation of the utility of animal tests for drug safety: something which 250 MPs and 83% of GPs have also called for. The effectiveness of animal tests has never been measured against a panel of state-of-the-art techniques based on human biology. We propose a unique comparison between the two approaches, the case for which is compelling
La peli...

Safer Medicines, showcases some of the latest technologies that we believe could supplant animal tests in drug development to deliver safer drugs to patients, in less time and at less cost.

Ver peli completa (26 min)

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