viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Visita Médica...el futuro (XVII): Pharma Sales Rep Repair Kit


...says Tyrone Edwards, professor of business administration at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania and a former senior vice president of sales at Merck.
“In the US,” he says, “we pay people $75,000 a year to deliver pizza. Does that make sense? That does not make sense because you can pay a pizza person $10 an hour to deliver that pizza.”
And yet still reps spend much of their time delivering samples to physicians, orchestrating pizza lunches, and handing out invitations to events, when those tasks can be accomplished by cheaper resources.
Edwards dismisses the notion that pharma sales reps can be eliminated altogether.
“Sales will continue to be a personal activity,” he says.
“We will still need individuals contacting and talking to other individuals in order to deliver the value proposition.”

Read the full article at | Pharma strategy for the busy executive -

Visita Médica...el futuro (XVI): Carta dirigida al representante de la Industria Farmacéutica o visitador médico

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