viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Novartis y las mujeres..."desencuentros".

Primero fueron las diferencias con respecto a las comisiones percibidas por "sobretiempos".

Ahora el "embarazoso" problema de los embarazos de sus representantes de ventas.

Novartis (USA) no lo tiene muy claro con "sus mujeres"

Jury selection is set to begin Wednesday for a major class-action trial over claims that drug giant Novartis discriminates against its female sales force, with managers allegedly telling women workers not to get pregnant -- and even encouraging one to get an abortion.

Seventeen current and former employees from across the country are seeking at least $200 million in damages for themselves and more than 5,000 colleagues.

Their Manhattan federal-court suit -- filed in 2004 -- is believed to be the largest class-action case of its kind in the country, dwarfed only by a pending gender-discrimination complaint against Walmart.

The plaintiffs contend that the Swiss pharmaceutical company -- maker of popular remedies including Bufferin, Ex-Lax and Desenex -- pays its female employees an average of $75 less per month than their male counterparts, and unfairly denies them promotions to better jobs.

A parade of more than 30 women also provided sworn statements describing "differential treatment on the basis of pregnancy or motherhood," court papers say.


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Imagen tomé "prestada" de acá...

Seguirá el ejemplo de Sanofi...?

SANOFI: Discrimina (USA) a las mujeres en la Visita médica y paga para pipas.

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