sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008

XIAFLEX: PFIZER se apena del pene y sigue con soluciones "dura"deras en urología...


En busca de una erección (perdón, extensión) de línea, acuerda con Auxilium Pharmaceuticals la comercialización de XIAFLEX

Xiaflex is an experimental drug that has completed Phase III trials for the hand condition, called Dupuytren's contracture, and is undergoing Phase IIb trials for Peyronie's disease, the curvature of the penis.

que, según Armando Anido, Chief Executive Officer and President of Auxilium:

"We believe XIAFLEX is a company-transforming product for Auxilium and the excitement surrounding this trial in the urological community that treats Peyronie's patients has been resounding. Additionally, the response from potential patients has been highly encouraging,
and as a result, we believe we will complete enrollment in this study in the first quarter of 2009,"

"We are extremely pleased to achieve this important development milestone in Peyronie's disease, a potential second indication for XIAFLEX, and we look forward to having the results of the trial by the end of 2009."


1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

pero !qué dolor¡ estos tipos son incansables... gracias Fernando