martes, 3 de septiembre de 2024

Creatividad: Klick Health Agency 100 2024

You’ll have to allow Klick Health founder, chairman and group CEO Leerom Segal a few moments of boasting when he talks about the company’s “unfair advantage” with AI. After all, AI is based on data. And Klick has been collecting data — lots and lots and lots of data — since Segal, a high-school hacker, founded the company with two colleagues in 1997. How much data does Klick have? Let’s just say it calls just one part of its vast database MedOcean.

The data comes from both internal and external sources. Twenty-four years’ worth of company work data is at the heart of Klick’s internal-use generative AI tool Genome Perspective, which provides a succinct example of how the company approaches AI. 

The tool, according to the company’s website, is “the first to be developed by an advertising agency to expedite project planning and increase the efficiency and velocity of delivery to clients.


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