"Parece evidente
que el papel de la tienda física
ha evolucionado
y que ya no tiene
un rol puramente transaccional.
Esta circunstancia,
unida al aumento del uso
de los canales digitales,
va a hacer que sea
cada vez más difícil
discernir en qué momento
se toma la decisión de compra".
Roberto Fernández Humada
Socio responsable de Retail en PwC

PwC’s survey shows that consumers are increasingly willing to engage in nontraditional activities online.
This trend is especially noticeable in healthcare, where almost two-thirds of our global sample said they’re willing to access services through companies not typically associated with health, such as Amazon, Apple and Facebook.
And why not? Consumers are already using their mobile phones for health information: Almost 75% of survey respondents who use healthrelated apps said they have as many as three fitness, healthcare or wellness apps on their mobile devices
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