sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

Terapias de los sentidos: Eyacular...


Prostate cancer (PCa) accounts for approximately 15% of all new cancer diagnoses among men worldwide, and the burden of disease continues to increase globally. While diet and physical activity may provide some promise for secondary prevention, there are no evidence-based recommendations to offer healthy adult men to reduce PCa risk. The few established disease risk factors—age, race, family history, and germline polymorphisms—are not modifiable. 

Sexual behaviors represent potential modifiable risk factors and may influence PCa development through a variety of specific mechanisms. One biological mechanism involves prostatic accumulation of potentially carcinogenic secretions, which may create more opportunity for PCa development, sometimes referred to as the prostate stagnation hypothesis. 


Terapias de los sentidos: Sexo a tope...pero con mujeres.

On the basis of this premise, a prospective report from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) cohort published in 2004 found a statistically significant inverse association between monthly ejaculation frequency and PCa risk based on 8 yr of follow-up. Compared to men reporting an average of 4–7 ejaculations per month (EPM), the risk of PCa among men reporting ≥21 EPM in middle age was 50% lower. Although these initial findings were intriguing, the strongest reduction in risk was noted for ejaculation frequency in the time period immediately before questionnaire administration, raising concerns about the potential influence of undiagnosed PCa on the results. 

This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in prevention of PCa, a disease for which relatively little is understood about etiology generally and knowledge of modifiable risk factors is particularly scant. 
The results are robust to adjustment for many dietary, lifestyle, and screening behaviors, but additional work on the underlying biological mechanisms should be undertaken to corroborate these findings given the potential for residual confounding. More frequent ejaculation in the absence of risky sexual behaviors could represent an important means of reducing the profound medical costs and physical and psychological side effects of unnecessary diagnosis and treatment of low-risk tumors, even though it appears to be less strongly associated with aggressive disease.(Más)

Ver también:

Humor es lunes...: La eyaculación precoz genera más insatisfacción en la mujer./Tautología retórica...o lógica.?

Todo sobre eyaculación en PHARMACOSERÍAS


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