sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

Palabras: WOKE Pharmaceuticals

Para el 2021, woke se había usado casi exclusivamente como un concepto peyorativo, y los usos más destacados de la palabra tienen lugar en un contexto despectivo.

​ Aunque en español no tiene una traducción asentada y generalmente se usa el término inglés crudo, destacada en cursiva o entrecomillada al ser un extranjerismo, en la jerga coloquial de España se llama despiertismo a este movimiento y despiertos o despiertitos a los que lo siguen, el primero como término neutro y el segundo despectivo. Una traducción propuesta por la RAE es concienciado.



The Market | Unmet Medical Need Continues to Grow


Over 700 million people are affected globally with some sort of mental illness, eg: depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction or eating disorder 

Source: The World Health Organisation

Global economic costs due to mental heath disorders estimated to be USD$800 Billion direct and US$1.7 Billion indirect

Source: National Centre for Biotechnology Information

1 IN 4 PEOPLE WILL SUFFER MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS 25% of adults in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives  

Source: World Health Organisation


Woke Pharmaceuticals is on a mission to change the status quo in the treatment of mental health. 

Woke is focused on working with leading universities and research institutes to develop psychedelic therapies to help those who struggle with mental health.

People get locked into disorders like depression because they develop this system of thinking, which is efficient, but wrong. The idea behind psychedelic therapy is that the receptive state that the drug confers opens the door to fresh ideas about how to think about the past and future.” 


Professor David Nutt

a psycho-pharmacologist at Imperial College London and advisor to Woke Pharmaceuticals.

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