jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2023

Ahora Pharma también es "WOKE": WOKE Pharmaceuticals


Woke Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd is an Australian-based company focused on the development and commercialisation of novel psychedelic therapies for the treatment of mental health disorders

About 20% of Australians struggle with a mental illness every year, ranging from depression and anxiety to substance or alcohol abuse. The potential hardship and isolation posed by COVID-19 risks leaving more people vulnerable.

While there is a range of pharmaceutical and psychological treatments for mental illness, these may not be effective in some people, or at least they may still leave people with residual symptoms. Additionally, there are usually side effects which commonly occur from these drug therapies.

Given the scale of mental illness in society, innovative new treatment approaches are urgently needed. One of these new approaches is the medicinal use of previously prohibited psychedelic compounds such as magic mushrooms. There have been several successful clinical studies across the world that have shown the potential benefit of psychedelics for treatment of psychiatric disorders. 


Todo sobre  psilocybin en PHARMACOSERÍAS

Woke Pharmaceuticals' lead candidates are based on synthetic psilocybin for the treatment of depression. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced by more than 200 species of fungi. The safety and efficacy of psilocybin has been demonstrated in multiple studies.

Mission Statement 

Woke Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to developing novel psychedelic therapies as registered medical treatments for mental health disorders and other neurological diseases, as well as supporting psychological wellbeing. We aim to achieve this through the development of novel formulations, rigorous research and clinical trials, and partnerships with world-class researchers, institutions, organisations, and corporations.


Para el 2021, "woke" se había usado casi exclusivamente como un concepto peyorativo, y los usos más destacados de la palabra tienen lugar en un contexto despectivo.​ Aunque en español no tiene una traducción asentada y generalmente se usa el término inglés crudo, destacada en cursiva o entrecomillada al ser un extranjerismo, en la jerga coloquial de España se llama despiertismo a este movimiento y despiertos o despiertitos a los que lo siguen, el primero como término neutro y el segundo despectivo. Una traducción propuesta por la RAE es concienciado.

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