sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Ucrania & Rusia : Stop Nuclear Weapons


To all UN States Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

As global citizens horrified at the prospect of a nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine, we urge you to use the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty to call for a ban on all fighting near any nuclear reactor, demilitarizing them, and creating a ‘safe zone’ of at least 30km. We also call on you to demand that Russia grant immediate access to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine for independent inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

We could be close to a terrifying nuclear catastrophe.

Russian invaders shelled a massive power plant housing six nuclear reactors in Ukraine – and the fighting’s getting more intense.

Rockets are exploding around the reactor compound, and one mistake could lead to nuclear disaster – with mass sickness, death, displacement and environmental devastation.

But here’s the really crazy thing. Bombing a nuclear plant isn’t explicitly banned under international law! But right now, we have a chance to win a crucial decision that would move us a step closer to a new global law to stop military attacks on all nuclear reactors worldwide.

Top nuclear negotiators are deciding this week, and insiders say a massive citizens’ demand for action could help push it over the line. Add your name now, and when this is huge, our call will be delivered straight to the negotiation table in New York.

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