miércoles, 6 de julio de 2022

Para_Pharma_Lia: NZT-48 Brain Boost.


What Are the Ingredients in NZT-48? 

Here are NZT-48’s main ingredients and the ways they are known to work when it comes to improving cognitive function:


  •  -Acetyl-L-Tyrosine This amino acid gets naturally produced in the body and can also be found in legumes, eggs, meat, and dairy. Many people are using it to enhance their mental performances. Tyrosine has also been used in treatments for different cognitive conditions such as depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and ADD, but without any success. However, it is useful for improving memory, mental performance, and alertness.
  • -Acetyl-L-Carnitine This is another amino acid that the body needs to generate energy. While it mainly keeps the heart and muscles healthy, it’s also known to positively impact the brain and neurological function. This is because it increases the blood flow that goes to the brain, which is essential for healthy cognition.
  • -Rhodiola Rosea Rhodiola Rosea or Arctic Root is an adaptogenic herb that grows in icy areas, especially mountains. Its effects of improving cognitive function have been known ever since Ancient Greece. Rhodiola Rosea’s effects are improving memory and learning , lengthening the cells’ life, and keeping the heart healthy.
  • -Arginine AKG This special ingredient combines Alpha-Ketoglutarate and L-Arginine, both necessary for supporting blood circulation and keeping the heart healthy. They also increase testosterone levels in men and support both the body and mind during stressful situations, not to mention it improves cognitive function.
  • -Theobromine This alkaloid that comes from the cocoa plant improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. It’s also a bronchodilator and a brain booster that has shown impressive results in improving memory in rats.
  • -L-Glutamine This essential amino acid takes part in the process of biosynthesizing protein. According to this study, it improves memory, mental performance, and learning.

Looking at these ingredients in NZT-48 and how they have proven to work, it’s safe to say this formula is indeed a potent nootropic that can provide multiple benefits. (Más)

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