martes, 14 de junio de 2022

Creatividad: Melancovid (II) / Haute Couture Wilma van Rooijen

Wilma van Rooijen

Born, and raised in the Netherlands ( Holland, Les Pays-Bas) 

I was fortunate, whilst I was a student in Fashion Design at the Art school in Utrecht, to have been selected for an exchange/master-program with a known art-school in Paris in 1994 (Duperée-ESSA)and the IFM (Institut Francais de la Mode). 


-Hoge school voor de Kunsten, (Utrecht, Holland) Specialised in fashion/design 

-Duperée -Paris E.S.S.A. -concept design 

-IFM-Paris ...

Ver también:

Creatividad: Melancovid (I)

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