domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

Ig Nobel Prize Medicina 2021


Premio de Medicina. ¿Puede el sexo aliviar la congestión nasal? 

La distinción ha recaído esta vez en una investigación internacional alemana, turca y británica que demuestra que el orgasmo puede ser igual de efectivo que los fármacos a la hora de descongestionar la nariz y mejorar la respiración nasal hasta una hora después del encuentro sexual. El trabajo fue publicado en la revista especializada Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 



(para los que quizá estén pensando en cambiar de tratamiento, advertir que los efectos solo duran como mucho una hora después del acto. Eso sí, no se observan contraindicaciones destacadas).

More about scientific research

Writer Alfred Jarry said in his posthumous book Antics and opinions of dr. Faustroll, pataphysic, written in the late nineteenth century, that this discipline, attributed by him to the fictitious researcher, was “the science of imaginary solutions”, based, according to his multiple followers around the world, in the search for the strangeness that exists in everyday life, for the hidden singularity not usual. With this philosophy, Harvard University (United States) annually hosts the Ig Nobel, awards that contrast with the famous original Swedish Academy version. 


Todo sobre Ig Nobel awards en PHARMACOSERIAS

The awards seek, according to Marc Abrahams, editor and co-founder of the scientific humor magazine that grants them, the Annals of Improbable Research, “make laugh and then think”.

Orgasm as a nasal decongestant; why pedestrians don’t clash; the importance of transporting rhinos by air upside down — these are some of the investigations awarded this year with the dubious honor, which consists of a diploma in PDF and a 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollar bill (which was worth less than two reais when came out of circulation in 2015).

As every year, the Ig Nobel (pun intended) ceremony ends with Abrahams’ catchphrase: “If you didn’t win an award tonight, and especially if you did, have better luck next year.” . 

The winners were as follows:


Does sex improve nasal function? The award honors a German, Turkish and British study of 18 couples, which the authors say shows that orgasm can be as effective as nasal decongestants and improve nose breathing for up to an hour after intercourse. The work was published in Ear, Nose & Throat Journal.

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