sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

Citario/El dijo qué...: Amartya Sen Premio Princesa de Asturias Ciencias Sociales 2021










F.Comas / Curso Postgrado Mktg. Farmacéutico Facultad de Farmacia Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV 


Critical scrutiny of public health care and medical strategy depends, among other things, on how individual states of health and illness are assessed. One of the complications in evaluating health states arises from the fact that a person's own understanding of his or her health may not accord with the appraisal of medical experts. More generally, there is a conceptual contrast between “internal” views of health (based on the patient's own perceptions) and “external” views (based on the observations of doctors or pathologists). Although the two views can certainly be combined (a good practitioner would be interested in both), major tension often exists between evaluations based respectively on the two perspectives.

The external view has come under considerable criticism recently, particularly from anthropological perspectives, for taking a distanced and less sensitive view of illness and health.1,2 It has also been argued that public health decisions are quite often inadequately responsive to the patient's own understanding of suffering and healing. This type of criticism sometimes has much cogency, but in assessing this debate the severe limitations of the internal perspective must also be considered. Self reported morbidity is, in fact, already widely used as a part of social statistics, and a scrutiny of these statistics brings out difficulties that can thoroughly mislead public policy on health care and medical strategy. Más

Desde una perspectiva cosmopolita e interdisciplinar, las múltiples investigaciones de Amartya Sen incluyen aportaciones a las teorías de la elección pública y del desarrollo, la economía del bienestar y otras dirigidas a descubrir las raíces de la pobreza y las hambrunas. Su enfoque de las capacidades de las personas se ha extendido al conjunto de las ciencias sociales. Toda su trayectoria intelectual ha contribuido de manera profunda y efectiva a promover la justicia, la libertad y la democracia.

Su continuada y excelente labor ha influido de manera decisiva en los planes de desarrollo y en las políticas de las más relevantes instituciones mundiales. Además, ha fundado una escuela universal comprometida con la defensa de los derechos humanos, que ha hecho del profesor Sen una figura clave del pensamiento actual y un maestro de maestros.

26 de mayo de 2021

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