lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

Creatividad: "Promoción Halloween..."..


On Halloween, we love to scare and be scared. But for pharmaceutical companies who use scare tactics to sell drugs, every day is Halloween. 
For a seasonal edition of Lown Weekly, we wanted to share some of the egregious advertisements that have been used to send people screaming all the way to their doctor:

This 2007 advertisement for Seroquel, schizophrenia medication, features screaming mouths hovering in the air, representing voices in the head of a patient. 

This disturbing advertisement was part of a “disease awareness campaign” sponsored by Pfizer that ran in France and Canada in 2003.

This 2015 TV advertisement begins ominously, “There’s something out there. It’s a highly contagious disease. It can be especially serious, even fatal, for infants.

The 2016 Novartis campaign called “Keep it Pumping” featured a TV advertisement warning that “with heart failure, danger is always on the rise.” 

Creatividad: Terror con Novartis video en TV

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