martes, 12 de abril de 2016

How is pharma shifting its Mktg Budgets?

Not that any results from the Healthcare Marketers Trend Report were preordained, but one was close: 

  • -It was a safe bet that the trend toward a greater use of digital channels would continue. 
  • -The so-called digital doctor isn't just a figment of some pharma marketer's imagination: Eighty-six percent of survey respondents said they used digital channels to reach HCPs during 2015, up from 82% in 2014. 
  • -The use of websites (78% of respondents used them in 2015 versus 71% in 2014), digital sales materials (57%/46%), social media (51%/43%), digital ads (50%/44%), and mobile/tablet apps (40%/30%) to reach this coveted audience all surged (see below).


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