viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Fundación Farrah Fawcett* colabora con el desarrolo de Advaxis, indicado en cancer anal .

Advaxis is enrolling patients for its second Phase II clinical study in patients with metastatic anal cancer. 
The two-part single-arm open-label study, called FAWCETT (Fighting Anal Cancer with CTL Enhancing Tumor Therapy) in honor of victim Farrah Fawcett, will evaluate the efficacy and safety of AXAL as monotherapy in patients who have received at least one prior treatment regimen for advanced disease. The study, in collaboration with Brown University Oncology Research Group, will evaluate whether AXAL will increase response rates when added to the standard care treatment of chemotherapy and radiation.

(*) Actress Farrah Fawcett was first diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006. She died in 2009 at the age of 62.

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