martes, 21 de julio de 2015

"Ocaso del Sol y Grand Prix Lions/Cannes para la publicidad farmacéutica.

Lo adelantamos ya en 2012.

Nos lo confirmaron este año: "El Sol ya no tiene sección de salud"

En Cannes parece las cosas, en 2014, fueron por  el mismo camino...
En 2015 se abrieron las expectativas...

The pharma industry's reputation as cautiously creative amid a strict regulatory environment and risk-averse executive teams may continue to hamper its ability to win the top prize at the Lions Health festival later this month in Cannes, France. 

At last year's inaugural Lions Health event, which is a spin-off of the broader Cannes Lions creativity festival, the jury declined to award a Grand Prix in the pharma category, a move that raised questions about regulatory limitations as well as the industry's self-imposed creative boundaries. 

I expect pharma to win a Grand Prix in the next three years,” Steve Morris, managing director of TBWA\Paling Waters and a scheduled speaker at Lions Health, told MM&M. “It will take something very special and it will take awhile for that kind of inspiration to filter through.” 

The branded content and entertainment jury at Cannes Lions also declined to award a Grand Prix in 2014, but festival organizers still say it's not unusual for this to happen. The Grand Prix may prove to be even more elusive if the pharma jury is again reticent to give out the top prize this year. (Más)

Este año 2015, sin embargo, AstraZéneca, con "Take it From a Fish", se alzó con el pharma Grand Prix 


y P&G México con el Grand Prix for Health/Wellness por "Intimate Words,"


U.S. Agency Takes Home Grand Prix for Pharma

Like 3-Day Old Fish, #LionsHealth Grand Prix Prize Stinks!

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