miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

MMS y los "malos" de la malaria: «Arzobispo» Jim Humble, Madre Teresa Forcades, Amén de Novartis...

MMS, or the Miracle Mineral Supplement, is a beverage product designed by former aerospace engineer, Jim Humble, who has tested his MMS protocol in Malawi and other parts of Africa. Initially used to treat malaria, the manufacturer claims field-tested success in treating and reversing the effects of AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, most cancers, and a host of other diseases. (Ver)

 El Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)/ Suplemento Mineral Milagroso empezó a promoverlo como terapia el «arzobispo» Jim Humble, con su libro (autopublicado) The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century (2006). 

Con este sustento, el «arzobispo» Humble y "acólitos", promocionan profusamente el producto, con énfasis en RRSS (Redes Sociales).

Jim Humble promueve la SMM como una cura para un sinfín de enfermedades. Se apoya en "espurios" ensayos clínicos que la misma Sarah Musisi, Director Health and Care Uganda Red Cross Society, se encargó de desmentir en correspondencia al Editor de "La ciencia y sus demonios":

Dear Manuel
The Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) dissociates itself in the strongest terms from the content of the recent Master Mineral Solution newsletter (May 2013) entitled “Malaria finally defeated” and supporting YouTube video.
URCS does not support nor endorse in any manner the claims made in relation to this project, and has at no time been involved in ‘clinical trials’ in relation to malaria treatment.
At no time did the URCS permit its name or logo to be used or associated with any such public communication campaign.
For the past decade, URCS has been at the forefront of malaria prevention programming, as auxiliary to its public authorities and in full respect of World Health Organization guidelines for malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
URCS continues to urge those suffering from malaria symptoms to seek treatment at the nearest health facility.
Thank you for contacting URCS on this.
Sarah Musisi Director Health and Care Uganda Red Cross Society

Por afinidades religiosas quizás o común afición por las "paraciencias" se incorpora como "acólit@/ficha" la Madre Teresa (en el "tiempo" Forcades)


Ultimas tardes con la MadreTeresa en el "Club de los "paracientíficos muertos"...? No, bien "vivos"...

 El producto, MMS es simplemente clorito sódico (NaClO2), lejía...
Las autoridasdes sanitarias de varios paises (España incluida) prohibieron su uso advirtiendo que su consumo implica graves riesgos.

When 15-year-old Rhys Morgan was diagnosed with Crohn's disease a few months ago he turned to the internet for help, and came across the Crohn's Disease Forum, a website offering support to patients. "I was looking for a support forum, a community of people with same illness as me and some on the same meds as me.

He followed the site for a while and noticed a disturbing undercurrent of people trying to push alternative medicines to members. One product in particular was called Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), and its website claimed it cured cancer, Aids, malaria, and basically most things short of actual death. 

Curious to know more about it, Rhys decided to Google it, and came across the following US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning: 

"The product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm to health. The product instructs consumers to mix the 28 percent sodium chlorite solution with an acid such as citrus juice. This mixture produces chlorine dioxide, a potent bleach used for stripping textiles and industrial water treatment. High oral doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the labeling, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration." 

In other words, MMS is extremely nasty stuff, and the medical advice given is that anyone who has this product should stop using it immediately and throw it away. In Canada it was banned after causing a life-threatening reaction. 

Intrigued, Rhys returned to the MMS website and found some helpful instructions: "Basically, after making it up, you take a few drops of it. You judge if you're getting better by how nauseous you feel after taking it. Seriously."  (Más)

Sorprendente la grave  i_Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de algunas multinacionales farmacéuticas (Novartis p.e.) que abandonan el apoyo/programas al tercer mundo y abren puertas a la "paraciencia".


Las "incoherencias" de Novartis respecto a la malaria.

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