viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Alegaciones de Novartis al defender patente de Gleevec: "sham"...*

BOSTON (Legal Newsline) – 
A class action lawsuit filed in federal court this week alleges that a patent infringement lawsuit filed by multinational pharmaceutical company Novartis against generic maker Sun Pharma simply was a delay tactic. 

The United Food and Commercial Workers Unions and Employers Midwest Health Benefits Fund, or UFCW, and the Laborers Health and Welfare Trust Fund for Northern California filed the lawsuit on behalf of a class of all purchasers of NovartisGleevec drug in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts Monday.(...)

Gleevec, which costs about $9,000 a month, was expected to go generic effective July 5. 

The Food and Drug Administration already has cleared two generic applications, but Novartis has barred Sun Pharma from releasing its generic version of Gleevec for at least an additional seven months by way of a “sham*” patent infringement lawsuit. 

 According to the 82-page proposed class action, Novartis unlawfully listed invalid follow-on patents in the FDA’s Orange Book.(Más)

 Slide: F.Comas/Curso Postgrado Mercadeo Farmacéutico/
Facultad de Farmacia/Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV)


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Ver también:

India: Novartis pierde batalla legal GLIVEC

Comisión Europea y Sector farmacéutico (III): Malas prácticas...

(*) "sham": simulacro, farsa (ver)

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