miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

GSK: "Desperately hunting Madonna..." / PharmaGossip

"...the company's improper marketing
included providing doctors
with European hunting trips,
high-paid speaking tours and even
tickets to a Madonna concert."

"Desperately hunting Madonna..."

Asi titula Jack en PharmaGossip sus comentarios al artículo

"Its ethics questioned, GSK to scrap individual sales targets"  

de Danica Kirka en Pittsburgh Post-Gazette sobre la decision de GSK

 "...stop paying doctors to promote its products at speaking engagements and scrap individual sales targets, months after its ethics were challenged by a bribery scandal in China."

y del nuevo sistema de incentivos a la Fuerza de Ventas...

"The 'Patient First' program bases compensation for sales professionals who work directly with prescribing health care professionals on a blend of qualitative measures and the overall performance of their business, rather than the number of prescriptions generated,"

Los hay que ven en ello un paso en adelante a decisiones que pudieran obligar a la compañía a actuar en ese sentido:

"But analysts such as Alastair McCaig at IG argued the company decided to act with an ethical bent rather than await the consequences of the China scandal. "With the bribery investigation going on in China, it looks like the company has decided to jump before being pushed, as it is forced to do something to tackle its conflict of interest," he said."

Ver también:

GSK: Arrepentirse es de..."culpables".

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