viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Corruption Risk Index 2014 / "Venezuela primero..." en el Día de "todos los santos (?)".

Despite the rising frequency of anti-corruption protests and high profile scandals, the governments of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICs) have made no significant advancement in combatting the issue of corruption over the last four years, reveals the latest annual Corruption Risk Index from global risk analytics company Maplecroft. 

According to Maplecroft, the lack of progress on corruption is having a detrimental effect on the economic performance and political environment of the BRICs countries, as well as exposing foreign companies to high levels of risk of complicity when conducting business with government officials and local partners. Public disillusionment with government corruption is also a key factor in rising levels of societal unrest in the BRICs, states the company. 

The Corruption Risk Index (CRI) evaluates 197 countries on the reported prevalence and persistence of corruption in the public and private sectors, as well as the efficiency of governments in tackling the issue. It has been developed to enable companies to identify the countries where the risk of association with corruption is highest. 

The World Economic Forum estimates that corruption adds up to 10% to the total cost of doing business globally and up to 25% to the cost of procurement contracts in developing countries

According to Maplecroft, these risks are highest in DR Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, North Korea, Cambodia and Venezuela, which feature as the 10 most corrupt countries in the CRI. 

Hoy, Dia de todos los santos...
parece que hay muchos que no lo son tanto...

Ver también:
Banco Mundial: Venezuela es el peor país de América Latina para hacer negocios

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