sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Dia contra el Cancer de mama / Un año en un minuto

This is what a year of breast cancer treatment looks like.

 When Jersey City-based writer Emily Helck was diagnosed with breast cancer in July of 2012, she decided to document her treatment, one week at a time. For 12 months, Helck snapped photos of her journey -- good days and bad days -- and eventually stitched them together into a time-lapse video, which she posted on her blog Sept. 29. 

 "Last September, when I started chemo, I also started taking a picture of myself every week," Helck explained on her blog. "I was originally going to do this for the 12 weeks of Taxol. My Herceptin treatment (not technically chemo, but chemo-ish) was to last one year, so when Taxol ended I decided to keep going, and chronicle the full 52 weeks -- September 21, 2012 to September 21, 2013. That might actually be 53 weeks. Whatever. I went 21 to 21." 

 The result, which lasts a mere minute and nine seconds, is poignant, simple and empowering. (Más)


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