martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Creatividad "entraña_ble".

They're instantly recognizable artists - Dali, Van Gogh and Picasso - and now their likeness is the inspiration for a new ad campaign for MASP Art School

Like that unfortunate frog you dissected in high school Biology class, these dead artists have been pinned down and are ready for inspection. 

Look closely and you'll see their insides, only their organs are different than the average person's. In fact, it appears that their artistic talent truly came from within. 

Brilliant idea and execution with a simple tagline: "MASP Art School."


Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato, Wilson Mateos, Luciano Lincoln
Art Director: Leonardo Rotundo
Copywriter: Fred Sekkel
Illustrators: Marcos Falcão, 6B Estúdio
Photographer: Ricardo Barcellos

Para Ariadna / Comas Design, hoy cumple años.

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