miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

BAYER: Olivier Brandicourt si es Parke Davis será malo...?: La firma.

Olivier Brandicourt

Medical degree with subspecialty in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; Masters in Biology, Paris University. Formerly: two years in Congo as doctor; eight years with Tropical Disease Institute, Paris, spent half his time in West and Central Africa working on malaria research; 13 years with Warner-Lambert, Parke-Davis in medical and marketing roles; 1996-98, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Parke-Davis division; 1998-2000, General Manager, Parke-Davis Canada.(...sigue)


But/Sin embargo...

We examined reporting practices for trials of gabapentin funded by Pfizer and Warner-Lambert's subsidiary, Parke-Davis (hereafter referred to as Pfizer and Parke-Davis) for off-label indications (prophylaxis against migraine and treatment of bipolar disorders, neuropathic pain, and nociceptive pain), comparing internal company documents with published reports. 

We identified selective outcome reporting for trials of off-label use of gabapentin. This practice threatens the validity of evidence for the effectiveness of off-label interventions. (Ver)

Blockbuster making off


  How Neurontin became a blockbuster 

Gabapentin never achieved major commercial success as an anticonvulsant. In 1995 Parke-Davis marketing staff proposed an experimental program to test anecdotal claims of efficacy for “neuropathic” pain and other syndromes. Research results were to be published, “if positive”.(8) Immediately after the 1998 JAMA publications, Parke-Davis launched a program of selective publication and intensive marketing, assisted by “Key Opinion Leaders” (KOL).(9) Sworn testimony indicated that Parke-Davis used its “clinical liaison” sales representatives and “Key Opinion Leaders” to market Neurontin “for everything”.(10) By 2003 annual U.S. sales of gabapentin had expanded from $98 million to $2.7 billion/year. 


A gradually broadened category of “neuropathic pain” became gabapentin’s most durable market, reinforced by guidelines that refer to gabapentin as “first line treatment”.(11) In B.C. consumption is still rising, at a cost exceeding $30 million during 2009, 63% from public funds (see Figure). 

In February 2010 a U.S. court in Boston is scheduled to hear detailed evidence from published and unpublished DBRCT of gabapentin for pain and other unapproved uses in a civil trial of alleged fraud for the off-label marketing of Neurontin prior to 2004.(12)

En el año 2000 Pfizer "cierra la compra" de Warner Lambert (Parke-Davis).

Incorpora "activos" 

 Olivier Brandicourt (cont.)

With Pfizer: 2000, Regional President, Latin America; 2002, Regional Vice-President, Central and Southern; four years as Managing Director, UK and Ireland; 2007, Senior Vice-President and General Manager, Pratt Business Unit; US; since October 2008, current position, an organization with more than US$ 22 billion in revenue. Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London.


La mayor farmacéutica del mundo, Pfizer, ha aceptado pagar 420 millones de dólares (355 millones de euros) para detener el proceso judicial abierto en EE UU por haber incentivado a los médicos para que recetasen Neurontin contra enfermedades para las que no está indicado.(Ver)

Ver también en PHARMACOSERÍAS:

PFIZER paga...por Neurontin.

BAYER: Olivier Brandicourt, si es Pfizer será bueno...?

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