jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Eurogrup Pharma re_China*...

China Drug Probe 'Unfair,' Euro Group Says 

Foreign companies believe they are unfairly being singled out for scrutiny in bribery and pricing investigations, the biggest European business group in China said Thursday. 

The comments by officials of the European Chamber of Commerce in China follow announcements about fines imposed on dairy suppliers over pricing issues and an investigation into possibly bribery by employees of drug manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi

In pricing investigations, the chamber's member companies believe "there is a disproportion of how foreign companies are covered on this issue" compared with Chinese rivals, said its president, Davide Cucino. He said foreign companies also believe accusations against them receive more prominent publicity from state-controlled media. (Más)

Ver también:

Tu quoque Novartis mi...!

Tu quoque, Sanofi mi...!

Humor...es lunes: GLAXO, "el que la hace...la paga"

(*) Rechinar 2. intr. Entrar mal o con disgusto en algo que se propone o dice, o hacerlo con repugnancia. (RAE)

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